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Over the past few years, software development has been moving to the cloud. Databases are no exception. Cloud databases are basically scalable content databases running on cloud computing platforms, which can be private, public, or hybrid.
There are two cloud database environment models – the traditional cloud model and database as a service (DBaaS).

In the traditional cloud model, content databases run on a specific company's infrastructure, and any oversight falls to IT managers and teams.
DBaaS runs on the service provider's infrastructure and they are responsible for any failures or malfunctions that occur. Users can fully focus on operations, development and business goals.
Advantages of using cloud database

Today, migrating to the cloud can be very beneficial as it brings a wide range of legacy benefits. Some of these include:

Reduced reliance on cloud database – With cloud service providers covering maintenance and infrastructure aspects, businesses can now invest less in hardware and resources as well as IT spending. There are also fewer complications and conflicts that hinder development.
Enhanced Scalability  – Use DBaaS to achieve seamless, smooth scalability during peak hours or ahead of large releases with tight deadlines. This is a huge benefit for growing companies that may not have the budget and resources for local infrastructure.
Value for Money   – No worries about operational costs or costly upgrades are just the tip of the iceberg for cloud databases. Most DBaaS solutions today offer multiple configurations, making it easier for companies to only pay for what they actually use.
Enjoy the latest technology  - Companies no longer need to worry about spending money on new technology, because updating infrastructure is the headache (and only responsibility) of the cloud provider. Companies also don't need to hire dedicated staff for training and onboarding.
Security – Just like the previous advantage, all the top vendors today focus on security and invest in the best available solutions to keep databases safe. No solution is foolproof, but it has proven to be a more secure method of protecting sensitive data and information and is less tolerant of error.