1. Machine Language

CO2 Laser Machine Common Problems and Trouble Shooting

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In the daily use of CO2 laser cutting machine and optical fiber laser cutting machine, whether you are a novice or a professional, various faults will trouble you. So how to solve these problems? The following is a summary of problems, symptoms, causes, and solutions. Users need to master the basic skills of laser cutting quality control and laser cutting troubleshooting in order to truly give play to the excellent processing performance of the laser cutting machine. This paper summarizes all the information about quality control and troubleshooting of Monport CO2 laser cutting. I hope that it can help users to control the laser cutting quality smoothly in actual operation and achieve high-quality laser cutting.

Laser Software and Control System Problems

Bad connection with Lightburn

Check if all the interfaces of the computer and machine are good and the cables are well connected. 2.Check if the system you use are upgraded. You may need further help if you use MacOS.



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