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Best Cryptocurrency Exchange in India

Coinsbit India is wrapping up its first quarter and ready to take on the next one, head on!

Disclaimer: Crypto-asset or cryptocurrency investments are subject to market risks such as volatility and have no guaranteed returns. Please do your own research before investing and seek independent legal/financial advice if you are unsure about the merits of any investment, or the validity of the transaction.

The year started with a bang for Coinsbit Global, as we launched Coinsbit India. We hit multiple milestones which came together to mark the launch in April, with the biggest airdrop in the history of cryptocurrency in India. During the first quarter, we worked on multiple iterations of the user interface, in order to come up with the most ambient user experience. We continued to execute our strategy of focusing on core technology development, technical integrations, automating KYC, aiming at the completion of the exchange system and much more. At Coinsbit India, we believe that there can be a new financial economy based on Decentralization and Trust — the two core thought pillars of blockchain; and want to bring this revolution in India through our innovative financial platforms and products. In this quarterly report for Q1, we are happy to share what we have been up to, what is coming up, and what we learned on our thrilling journey, so far.


Our major focus over the past quarter has been technical setup & development, our users, in terms of user acquisition and user experience. April saw the launch of our communications & interactions with our early adopters and community as we began extensive rounds of testing, which culminated in our super successful beginning in India.

Between April and July, 50 new team members joined Coinsbit India, making our total count to 70 team members and expanding to 7 divisions.

Major Highlights

1. 1M+ new users have joined Coinsbit India since the launch.
2. Launched CIN Token and conducted a super successful airdrop with additional 2 rounds resulting.
3. We have launched staking! 54,000 users have staked a total of 240,549,884.
4. We have enhanced our KYC processes and reduced our verification from 5–6 days to just under 5 mins!
5. Our security review process has been completed with successful results.
6. We are satisfied with the user experience of our MVP designs (the Coinsbit India platform, funds management tools, and fiat on- and off-ramps).
7. Full technical setup and integration of Coinsbit India exchange completed with blockchains of Binance Smart Chain, Tron, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Bitcoin Gold and Bitcoin Cash.
8. Completed full technical setup, testing and development of Coinsbit India exchange platform and operations.
9. Featured on 70+ media publications!
10. Also… launched in our brand new office!
11. Revamped and created robust processes for our Support team!
12. Launched Ambassador program!


Coinsbit India announced the launch of a large-scale Coinsbit India Token (CIN) airdrop starting on April 9th 2021. Coinsbit India Token (CIN) is the native utility token for Coinsbit India Ecosystem. We gave away CIN tokens as part of our Airdrop rewards and tokens worth $200 USD (2000 CIN Token) for every sign up and KYC to engage both existing and new users. The airdrop was launched with the aim to introduce CIN and to explore Coinsbit India’s core base of efficiency, scalability, trust, transparency, and security. The airdrop was conducted in three rounds, each with a slightly reduced give away to encourage maximum early bird sign ups. This strategy worked in our favor as we saw landslide registrations with nearly 1 million sign ups in the first round itself and we can state firmly that our Q2 was full of hardworking days and technical progress.

The technical team made noteworthy progress in the quarter, meeting several significant development goals.

  • The simplified exchange interface was completed and launched.
  • We were also able to complete the funds management interface for users for viewing assets, transactions and staking dividends.

A number of other features were developed in the very first quarter. The advanced exchange interface will offer professional traders all the tools they are accustomed to. Verified users will be able to trade bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies along with INR pairing. Multiple tokens were tested and listed on Coinsbit India exchange. The platform will be launching with multiple popular BTC, ETH and stablecoin pairings. The team was also able to execute the 5-level referral rewards program along with staking opportunities. In order to sustain CIN token value, a vesting schedule is implemented and there will be a gradual monthly release in the CIN tokens earned from airdrop and referrals. Coinsbit India continues to make great progress on legal fronts and our compliance efforts are yielding positive results.

Our global tech team is responsible for connecting Coinsbit India to the assets we let you trade. This involves incorporating blockchain components into the system with maximum security, availability and efficiency. It also involves working with our fiat integration partners to define the processes and protocols that will allow our users to on — and offboard fiat currency. The integrations team met several major development goals this quarter. Exchange contracts for major cryptocurrencies were finalized, along with the API for fiat integration nearly completed and the Coinsbit India token staking contract fully completed.


With the hugely successful airdrop campaign which saw over 1M+ KYC verified users, we had to fire-fight a lot of scaling challenges which are not unusual for a startup exchange in the Cryptocurrency industry. Being a startup this has been one of our biggest learning curves so far. Overwhelmed, both operationally and emotionally, we underestimated the reaction and at one point, struggled to handle the traffic. Earlier during our market research, we observed that the highest volume exchanges in India have user bases of 5 to 6 million. Based on this, and being a new name, we did not expect 1 million users in just the first 3 months! This is definitely a good problem to have and we recognize that! This made us upscale our efforts and team alike. We went into full throttle hiring and increased our backend support team by 200% and the headcount went from 10 to 30.

Marketing and Communication

As for the marketing department, we’ve been producing regular content about educating people on cryptocurrency and onboarding of young crypto enthusiasts. We managed to grab an eye of such well-known media outlets as well!

As everyone else, we also launched our handles successfully on all popular social media platforms with 175,307 users. Here are the links:






To ensure seamless support, we had to go into massive & quick hiring in the first quarter itself.

What’s coming up next?


Crypto to crypto trading from the platform with upto 50+ pairs

CIN can be used as trading fee with 25% discount

INR pairs

On/off INR ramp


Mobile app

CIN token listing on the exchange

CIN Smart Chain

NFT Marketplace