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When it comes to buying a new school desk Australia, it is crucial to avoid some of the most common problems that arise when choosing furniture pieces that do not suit the education space of your children. Choosing the right furniture for your school can influence the learning experience.

There are a lot of school furniture options you can get both online and offline. However, it is important to remember that not all solutions are created equal and not all solutions will be suitable for your children. With this in mind, this list provides you with the most common school furniture problems and how to avoid them.

No back support

When children grow, it is crucial that their school furniture offer them support and flexibility to promote good posture. You may have seen children with bent backs and assumed they were born that way. Yes, some people get born that way but others make habits of sitting with their backs forming a curve like a bow. With time, their backbone assumes that shape and that becomes their new posture until they get old.

If the chairs don’t have high-quality back support then it could lead to issues such as back pains and aches in young kids. You should consider working with a supplier that knows how to design chairs for your student's needs.

Wrong sized furniture

School furniture suppliers should know that different children have different needs depending on their size and age. Your furniture must provide the best comfort for students. Your classroom furniture shouldn’t be too small or too big and the chairs shouldn’t be too low or too high.

You should search for furniture that is properly adjusted and proportioned to suit the age group of your students. Adjustable furniture can ensure both teachers and students can set the right height when using furniture.

Lack of mobility and functionality

When buying classroom furniture, it is crucial to consider pieces of furniture that are both mobile and functional so that you can transform your learning space. Your classrooms should be able to promote both individual and collaborative learning. You should therefore invest in lightweight and versatile furniture, allowing for mobility to transform your classroom.

Furniture that lacks durability

Durability is very important when buying school furniture. You should bear in mind that school furniture is used daily by both teachers and students and this means that wear and tear are inevitable. You should therefore ensure that you invest in school furniture that is stable to withstand use and abuse subjected to it in the school. It is also important that you purchase furniture that is very easy to clean. You need to keep your learning environment healthy and safe.

Furniture made from toxic material

When buying a new school desk Australia, you should remember that some desks are painted with paint that is high in VOCs. This can be toxic to students. It is therefore important to choose a supplier that adheres to regulations when buying school furniture.

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