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If you have a sump pump, it is important to know why such pumps fail and what you can do about them. Just like any other machine, pumps fail and if you don’t know what to do about it you can end up being frustrated with very minor issues.

These are mechanical devices and prone to failure and malfunction, especially after a long period of use. They also need a source of power to function and when the source of power fails, the pump will also fail. Among the numerous brands, types and models of pumps on the market, some of these pumps are cheaply built and poorly designed. Improper installation of your pump can cause your pump to function inefficiently or to under perform. Here are some common issues with these pumps.

Overwhelmed pump 

Sometimes a single pump is not enough to handle what you expect it to handle. The pump may not be reliable or powerful enough to deal with the volume of water coming in, especially during floods. When it comes to draining water from your basement, the quality of the pump matters a lot. A cheap model is likely to fail or burn out to keep up when it matters the most.

What to do 

You should upgrade your pump and add a power backup such as a battery. In rare cases, you might need more than a single pump installed in different basement corners.

The pump appears to work when there is no water in the sump pit

Irrespective of your sump pump uses, it is important to understand that when there is no water in the pump, it is a clear indication that the pump was not installed properly. Drainage and sumps go hand-in-hand. These pumps work best if you have installed a drain tile internally along the perimeter of the basement. A basement drainage system must be designed to collect water and have it channelled toward the pump and discharge the water into the pit. However, if the drain tile is collapsed, clogged or not installed properly, it won’t be able to channel the water correctly.

What to do 

You should hire a professional to inspect your drainage system and fix it for you. If you do not have a drainage system, you should install one.

Clogged pumps and switches 

If there is no lid on your sump, it will get clogged and over time, it will entirely stop. There are different ways in which your pump can clog. The sump pit can get clogged with debris and dirt, the mechanical parts of the pump can get clogged over time, especially if the sump is straight against the bottom of a sump pit that is dirty.

What to do 

You should inspect your sump to see if it is time to replace or repair it. You should ensure that your next one is covered with a sealed lid that is airtight to prevent debris, pet and child-safe. You should invest in a sump pump that keeps a pedestal to prevent the pump from getting into contact with the container. 


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