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The word yoga is derived from a Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ that means connection or fusion or to join; it simply refers to ‘uniting’ our souls to the almighty cosmic soul.

It is a very vast term, covering a lot of practices and knowledge. It is the science of inner well being. On the surface, it may look that it is just a bunch of different postures found to have therapeutic effects, but yoga and meditation have much more depth to them.

Both mental and physical health can be improved by practising yoga. Yogic postures or the ‘asanas’, meditation and breathing techniques or the ‘pranayam’ are the limbs of yoga that help one get in the best mental and physical conditions.

There are many styles of yoga; many philosophies are to be found that makes uses of the term yoga. The main motive behind practicing any and every type of yoga is the same; Union. All different types of yoga are directed towards raising consciousness and uniting with the true self. However, the term yoga in its modern context primarily concerns the practices, asanas, pranayams, bandhas, dhyana, etc.

Different paths of yoga that are found in various ancient Indian texts are Hatha yoga, Jnana yoga, Raja yoga, kriya yoga, karma yoga, mantra yoga, and a few more. The kinds of yoga that majorly involve the asanas and pranayams ad those other elements which are becoming popular among people fall mostly under the category of Hatha yoga.

Another classification that fits best while sorting the types of yoga bali that are practiced today is classification into different styles.

There are about 14 different styles of yoga. Some of them are listed below.


It is not very different from Hatha yoga and is a broad term essentially meaning movement in sync with the breath.


This style of yoga consists of twenty-six postures and two breathing techniques. This set of asanas and breathing exercises are the same everywhere and are usually performed in a relatively hot environment.


Named after B.K.S Iyengar, one of the most prominent Gurus today, this style of yoga is known for its subtleties.


It is a form of Hatha yoga which Swami Sivananda developed. This style of yoga includes elements like pranayams, asanas and sun salutations. The asanas included are beneficial for the strength and flexibility of the spine.

Other styles of yoga include Anusara, Jivamukti, vin, yin, Kundalini, Ashtanga and Power Yogas.

Our Yoga Bali teacher training Include:

  • Yoga Philosophy And History
  • Anatomy
  • Asanas Technic


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