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Fewer Americans are driving during coronavirus pandemic which means more cars are being stolen right now. Police in some large cities across the US are reporting a huge increase in car thefts due to the pandemic. According to the New York Police Department data, car thefts raised 53% in the last 28 days – from 303 to 464 during the pandemic. 

The conditions of a coronavirus pandemic are very beneficial for car thieves since most people are staying at home and only driving when necessary. Although this strategy helps stop the coronavirus infection from spreading, it makes it more difficult for police to search for or recover thieved cars. 

Plus, during the pandemic, people aren't driving their cars and don't even know they've been stolen. Of course, the best way to prevent car theft is to sell your car for cash. Joke! Below are great tips that will help you keep your car away from car thieves. 

1. Don’t leave valuable things inside your car

It’s important not to leave things such as bags, laptops, or wallets in a visible place in your car. You can use the car's glove box for storing valuable things since left in a visible area they can attract the thief. If the thief broke a window for the valuable items, he may even decide to take your car. It’s also wise not to leave important documents inside the car in order not to make your car a thief magnet.

2. Consider investing in the security systems

Options that ensure safety are one of the best ways to prevent car theft. You can invest in things like a security alarm, Engine Immobiliser, central locking, or GPS tracking

The Immobiliser is an electronic security option that can prevent the engine from running unless the correct key is present. The professionally installed alarm system is also helpful since loud alarms can frighten a car thief, and certain alarm systems can be programmed to notify you.

GPS tracking system can help indicate the vehicle’s location to the police. These good options will increase the amount of time a thief will require to stole your car.

3. Try driving your car often if possible

If it’s possible, try to drive your car often or at least check on it once a day. This will help you reduce the risk of theft since a well-used car is passed by auto thieves for easier victims.

4. Park your car in a safe place

Consider parking your car in a properly illuminated, guarded, and monitored place. Pay special attention to the location, vicinity, and environment when parking. A well illuminated, closely guarded parking place should be preferred over shady and unknown areas. Don’t even doubt in spending a little money on monitored parking place with security guards. 

It ensures guarding eyes for your car in your absence. If you have to park your car on the streets, leave it somewhere close to shops or somewhere closer to security cameras, and if you can, park the vehicle under a street lamp. Try to park the vehicle a little further from the exits of parking lots.


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