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The energy (kilojoule) intake of a person is determined by the total OrganifiGreen Juice Review  amount that he or she eats and drinks. If we consume too much food and have an oversupply of energy we become overweight. This is even more likely to occur if we are inactive. A typical western high fat and carbohydrate diet is believed to cause many people to become overweight.

Overweight people are more likely to have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, gall bladder problems and suffer breathing difficulties and joint problems. High fat diets have also been linked to increased risk of cancer of the colon and breast.

The nutrients in food which supply energy are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The body breaks these down to provide energy which is measured in kilojoules. In the western world, we eat an average of 130 grams of fat per person each day, which is much more than the world average.



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