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There are a lot of diseases that can affect women’s health. Unfortunately, many of them can occur and develop asymptomatically or cause unnoticeable symptoms. It is important to understand that regular gynecological examinations are important not for doctors but for you. 

However, many women tend to postpone their check-ups until the symptoms become unbearable or even life-threatening. Indeed, it may be easier to recognize the disease on the later stages but the treatment may be complicated and difficult. In this article, we gathered five dangerous conditions that may develop asymptomatically in women.

1. STIs

Sexually transmitted infections also called venereal diseases, are considered one of the most dangerous infections. Despite the fact that they can develop asymptomatically in both men and women, they cause much more severe damage to women. It is important to understand that you or your partner may be infected and even don’t know about this. 

Due to the fact that STIs can be present in the person and don’t cause any symptoms, this person may infect many people. That’s why it is essential to use condoms since only they can protect you from most STIs. If left untreated, these infections can cause severe complications like fertility issues and various types of cancer.

2. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when the lining of the uterus or endometrium spreads outside the uterus, where it shouldn't be. As a result, the inflammation develops because the endometrial tissue reacts to the monthly fluctuations in a woman's menstrual cycle. 

Endometriosis usually affects pelvic organs. The endometrium can attach to any of the female reproductive organs, including the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, or any area near the bladder,  vagina, and rectum. It can also involve the intestines, appendix, and even rectum. On the earthly stages, endometriosis doesn’t cause any significant symptoms. However, the overgrowth of the endometrial tissue can cause pelvic pain when it spreads too much.  

3. Uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the muscular wall of the uterus. They can grow quite small or large. Fibroids are an extremely common condition. Approximately 20 percent of women after 30 years old have fibroids. Moreover, many women have them even without knowing it. Despite the fact that uterine fibroids are not considered an extremely dangerous condition, they can cause a lot of unpleasant complications. 

Uterine fibroids tend to enlarge until menopause and shrink during it due to a decrease in estrogen production. Many women who have fibroids have no symptoms. In other women, fibroids can cause heavy periods that can last longer than usual.

If you have fibroids that develop asymptomatically, your doctor may notice that you have fibroids during a regular pelvic examination. There are many fibroid treatment options but fibroids that don't cause any symptoms may not need treatment. The most common treatment options for uterine fibroids include medication, minimally invasive procedures, or surgery. Ask your doctor about the most appropriate treatment option for you.

4. Breast cancer

Breast cancer occurs when the malignant cells in the breast appear and grow abnormally. Malignant cells arise in the lining of the mammary glands or the ducts of the mammary gland. Breast cancer is considered the most common cancer in women. One in eight women in the United States will develop breast cancer. Unfortunately, it is quite hard to diagnose it on early stages since it doesn't cause significant symptoms.

Breast cancer is more common in older women (over 50). You should understand that the older you are, the higher your risk to develop cancer. The early diagnosis of breast cancer provides better chances of successful treatment. That's why it is extremely important to check your breasts regularly and visit your doctor as soon as possible if you notice some changes.


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