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5 Facts You Need to Know About Vaping

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You probably might have heard about vaping. However, are you aware of the facts you need to know about vaping? The Center on Addiction defines vaping as the inhalation and exhalation of vapor or aerosol produced from an e-cigarette.

E-cigarettes are electron

Despite e-cigarettes being available for over ten years in the western market, we know few facts about them. Many wonder and ask themselves whether they are safe; they can quit smoking or if the second-hand vapor is harmful. 

In this post, you’ll learn five facts you need to know about vaping and e-cigarettes. Read ahead to find out.

  1. E-cigarettes contain deadly toxins

There are various types of toxins found in varying quantities on e-cigarettes. They include:

  • acetaldehyde

  • benzaldehyde

  • formaldehyde

  • acetone

  • phenolic compounds

  • polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

  • acrolein

  • o-methyl

  • volatile organic compounds

Because we find these chemicals in low quantities than traditional cigarettes, there’s still the risk of exposure to the same chemical hazards found in cigarette smoke. They have heavy metals that have carcinogenic properties.

ic devices that heat a liquid that produces an aerosol that has premium vape juice flavors.

There are various types of e-cigarettes coming in different shapes and sizes. Some look like cigars and pipes, while others look like traditional tobacco products.

Others look like USB pens or drives, while the more prominent e-cigarettes have tanks that look different from the traditional tobacco products. A majority of e-cigarettes have batteries, a reservoir that holds liquid, and a heating element. 

As time goes by, the list of heavy metals continues to grow from vaping smoke. Studies have found that some e-cigarettes users inhale heavy metals with links to lung disease, gastrointestinal disorders, and cancer.

A University of California study published in the Scientific Report Journal found eleven heavy metals on six tank-style e-cigarettes, including:

  • calcium

  • aluminum

  • lead 

  • magnesium

  • zinc

  • nickel

  • copper 

  • silicon

  • chromium

  • zinc

  • tin

  • Carcinogens

While there’s limited research on the carcinogens found in e-cigarettes, several studies have found toxic chemicals in e-cigarettes. 

For example, in a 2016 research by the Environmental Science and Technology, two previously undetected chemicals were found in cig vapors. 

These were glycerin and glycol that the federal government deems to be carcinogenic. There’s evidence that these substances can break down further to other toxins such as formaldehyde and acrolein.

  1. There are many reasons to quit vaping

There are various reasons you should quit vaping. If you want to be the healthiest version of yourself, it would be best to consider leaving it altogether. 

Here’s why it would be best to consider quitting:

  • Vaping can lead to the use of other tobacco products. Studies have shown an increase in the likelihood of someone smoking other tobacco products such as cigars and regular cigarettes.

  • Tobacco companies usually target young people by making fun of them and showing young, healthy adults vaping. It would be best if they go against the advertisement from tobacco companies.

  • Vaping is expensive. As time goes by, the cost of cartridges accumulates. Instead, you could channel that money to other things you can enjoy. 

  • It leads to addiction. It may create a pathway to other types of addiction later on.

  1. E-Cigarettes will not help you quit smoking

Despite heavy marketing that e-cigarettes help people quit smoking, they have majorly found them an alternative. 

Instead of helping people quit smoking, they have found them to keep smoking other combustible cigarettes while vaping simultaneously. 

And, the Department of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hasn’t found evidence of e-cigarettes aiding people in smoking cessation.

Despite these, some people use e-cigarettes hoping to quit nicotine altogether, and some have succeeded. However, there are few pieces of evidence of success.

A majority of people transfer their addiction to e-cigarettes. Some even go back to smoking traditional cigarettes because of nicotine addiction.

How you can help young people quit smoking

As mentioned earlier, young people remain a target of vaping companies. It would be best to help your kids by teaching them about the dangers of smoking and the truth about the inhalation of toxic chemicals.

  • Help them identify their primary triggers, which can either be emotional, social, or physical

  • Speak to your children about the significance of quitting smoking or using e-cigarettes

  • Quit smoking yourself so that you become an excellent example

  • Always encourage your child to keep on learning about the facts associated with smoking and vaping

  • If they’re addictive, you can help them identify alternative coping skills

  • Consider seeking professional help to increase the chances of a successful quit

  1. There are regulations on electronic cigarettes

Photo by Clear Cannabis on Unsplash

E-cigarettes now have a regulation. In August 2016, the FDA started regulating these products, which wasn’t the case before. There was a concern because of the quality and the selling of e-cigarettes to children.

Despite traditional smoking levels having a decrease in teenagers and adults, the use of vaping has risen. Experts cite it because of unethical marketing by cigarette manufacturing companies. 

  • The regulations have had some impact on the use of vaping products that include:

  • The FDA must review and approve the introduction of new products

  • No one should sample or sell tobacco products to minors

  • Manufactures should register their products and state the existing ingredients in them

    • Science and the FDA should back claims of reduced risk up 

    1. There’s a link between vaping to mental health problems and illegal drug use

    Photo by Clear Cannabis on Unsplash

    Studies have shown a link between the use of e-cigarettes to mental health problems and illegal drug use.

    The usage of nicotine in any form in the adolescent stage increases the likelihood of using drugs and mental health conditions in the future.

    This is because nicotine affects parts of the brain responsible for impulse control, mood, and learning.

    Since teenagers are still developing, nicotine abuse can have devastating effects on these body processes. This can increase the possibility of additional problems in the future. 


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