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You have chosen to take your life and your healthMigraineCare Reviewback and eat an anti-inflammatory diet. Many people are making the same choice to fight the effects of obesity, diabetes, arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. As is the case with any dietary change, after a time, the control once assumed over the foods eaten can grown lax. Often, the same foods will creep back into the diet and reduce the efficacy of the anti-inflammatory diet. These are packaged foods, oil blends and margarine. Reducing protein and water intake are the remaining common factors.

Packaged foods are just plain bad for the body. Often these foods contain enough sodium and dietary fat for an entire day. While it may seem harmless to pop a meal in the microwave two or three times a week, the impact can be dramatic. On average, prepackaged meals have between 700 and 1000 calories each. Just three meals a week can contribute an additional 3000 calories to the diet, not to mention the increases in fat and sodium. High fat meals cause inflammation in the body for hours after consumption and can lead to weight gain which is causes more inflammation.

Oil blends are easier on the budget than pure olive oil. These blends, however, can include oils that contain trans fats. These fats are unhealthy and should not be consumed at ALL in the diet. Saving a bit of money on the front side may be counteracting your good anti-inflammatory diet choices on the back side.

Margarine is cheaper and contains fewer calories than butter. Some people even believe that eating pure butter can cause an increase in cholesterol levels which may lead to stroke. This is NOT the case. People who choose to eat very low carbohydrate diets, which often include high butter intakes, measure lower cholesterol numbers than their margarine or low fat eating peers.



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