1. Health

6 Important Facts That You Should Know about CBD Oil

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We all know about THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, the compound in marijuana that interacts with cannabinoid receptors in the brain, altering your memory, time perception, and sense of pleasure.However, there are other compounds in marijuana that have immense medicinal value. CBD-rich cannabis sativa has been used for reducing inflammation, relieving pain, and treating serious illnesses such as arthritis, diabetes, and epilepsy. Here are 6 important facts that you should know about CBD oil.

CBD does not get you high

Studies show that cannabidiol or CBD has anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective qualities which can reduce breast and brain cancer cell proliferation, and slow down development of Alzheimer's disease. It produces no euphoric and mind-blowing effects. Unlike THC, CBD does not produce any hazy, euphoric, or mind-altering effects. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) triggers euphoria by binding to specific CB1 and CB2 nerve receptors in the brain. However, CBD does not bind to these receptors and this why you cannot get the euphoric effect when using cannabidiol.

CBD is legal

CBD oil can be manufactured from industrial hemp plants or medical marijuana plants. Marijuana is still illegal under federal law although it is legal in several states. Industrial hemp grown in other countries can be legally imported into the United States. This makes it easier for many consumers to get CBD treatment without breaking any law.

CBD has immense medicinal value

Research proves that cannabidiol is immensely beneficial for the treatment of different disorders and ailments. A 2013 review available in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, indicates that cannabidiol soothes vomiting and nausea and acts as an anti-oxidant to reduce the concentration of free radicals that trigger neurodegenerative disorders. In addition, cannabidiol can be used for treating inflammation, cancer and anxiety, relieving pain, and stimulating appetite. Studies are also being conducted to make CBD oil available to children suffering from epilepsy.

No prescription necessary

It is legal for individuals to order CBD manufactured from industrial hemp plants in any state without a prescription from a doctor. However, individuals who order CBD products manufactured using medical marijuana plants must be living is a state that has legalized medical marijuana and needs to have a doctor's prescription. Cbdoilrelief.net offers detailed information on CBD oils.

Cannabinoid levels differ

CBD and THC levels will vary between different plants. Marijuana plants that are grown for recreation purposes are usually high in THC and varying concentrations of CBD. Industrial hemp plants tend to have a very low concentration of THC while medical marijuana plants are high in CBD.

CBD oil is not smoked

Many people believe that you need to smoke cannabidiol just like THC. However, CBD products are vaporized, taken in capsule form, or applied topically. For example, CBD oil that is used for treating intractable epilepsy is usually administered in a few drops using a dropper with no smoking involved. By choosing other consumption methods other than smoking, you will get maximum, chilled out medicinal effects of CBD without exposing your lungs to any harmful smoke.

There is a lot of information that needs to be learned about CBD. Ongoing medical research is continuously providing new insights into how CBD affects the body and how these characteristics can be used to our advantage. However, there is still a negative image regarding CBD because of its close ties with marijuana. Research is a constant thing and with time, it will shed more light on the benefits of CBD oils. 


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