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Maintaining a constant exercise routine and a balanced diet are necessary habits to be able to enjoy good health. An excellent exercise, as simple and simple as it may seem, is jumping rope every day, that children's game that everyone usually plays as children. Not only is it an activity that is fun, but it also has many benefits if you want to maintain a toned and fit body without much effort.

7 reasons to jump rope every day

The reasons why you can substitute almost any exercise routine for this little game are many, although most may think that it is childish and that only children do it during their breaks, the truth is that it can be very beneficial.

1. It's fun

There is nothing better than having fun while training, this exercise entertains enough to have a good time practicing it, therefore burning many more calories.

2. Improve physical condition

It is one of the best cardiovascular activities, and physical resistance can be increased as the intensity of the exercises increases with practice. It is also an exercise that can help regulate blood glucose levels, ideal for people with diabetes.

3. You burn a lot of calories

If you jump rope for half an hour at a fairly moderate speed, the least you can lose is about 280 calories. A much greater amount than is lost by running at a moderate speed for the same amount of time. So, if you weren't determined to jump rope, what other stimulant do you need to get started today?

4. Tones all the muscles of the body

When jumping rope, the vast majority of the body's muscles are used and exercised, allowing the body to remain firm and fully toned. In addition, it is an exercise that helps to keep in shape and can be practiced by people of various ages, including the elderly, who have good coordination and do not suffer from aggravated diseases in the joints.

5. You burn a lot of fat

As is well known, if the excess calories in the body are burned, and the muscles are firm and active, it will be very difficult for the body to accumulate fat, therefore it will begin to burn all the extra fat in the body. An exercise to complement the plank or the bicycle, helping to improve the physical condition in general.

6. Improve coordination

Jumping rope is an exercise that requires a certain level of coordination to be executed, it is exercised and thus can improve in general when doing all kinds of activities. The jump rope exercise could be considered as a training to perfect yourself in various disciplines, it is even well known that boxers use it as part of their training.

7. It's cheap and can be done anywhere

To maintain a jump rope workout, you don't need more than a pair of sports shoes, a jump rope, and enough space in your living room to practice it without breaking anything.

Benefits of jumping rope every day

  • Strengthens the cardiovascular, bone and respiratory systems
  • Elevate your heart rate with ease
  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Involves virtually every muscle in the body
  • Helps lose body fat
  • Allows you to vary the pace of training in a versatile way
  • Improves coordination and balance
  • Helps burn many calories in a short time and with little effort
  • It can be done anywhere
  • Can be practiced by elderly people

A simple jump rope routine

The following routine is focused so that you can get the most out of jumping rope, and keep an order that allows you to have a daily training routine.

Step 1

  • Jump on the rope with your feet close together and at a moderate pace.
  • The ankles and knees must be kept relaxed so that the impact of the fall does not cause injury.
  • Try to perform fluid movements instead of using two different positions.
  • Gradually increase the speed of the rope and the rate at which you jump.

Step 2

  • When you have enough confidence with the rope, it is best to increase the difficulty of the technique used.
  • Instead of jumping with both feet, it can be done alternating between one and the other.
  • It should be coordinated that the rope passed under each foot when making the change, just like when jogging.

Step 3

  • When you have fairly controlled coordination between your feet and the rope, you should try to increase the elevation of the heels during each jump.
  • The heels should be raised as close to the buttocks as possible, in order to demand more of the body and feel much more intensity during training.
  • Gradually increase the rhythm of the routine, until you feel physical fullness, however you can continue to increase as much as you want.

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