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Reduce your stress levels.

Stress is definitely one of the main contributors to  StrictionBP Review  high blood pressure. Use techniques such as meditation and yoga to clear your body of thoughts that can increase stress and your blood pressure. Some helpful techniques are to focus on one task at a time, and simply accomplish everything you can in a single day. You can't live in the past or the future, so focus on the here and now.

Learn your blood pressure.

It's important that you get an actual reading of your blood pressure. This will include two numbers: the top or “systolic” number, which measures your functioning heart. Next, the bottom or “diastolic” number measures the heart while it is resting. Both of these figures are important, as a heart that works more effectively experiences less stress. You can get your heart rate measured at a variety of places, including some drugstores-so there's really no excuse not to get the “numbers.”



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