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Abiding in Christ is like being a branchDualityReview connected to a vine – it's where your sustenance comes from, where your strength lies. When you decide to heed His commandments-to love God with all of your heart, all of your soul and all of your mind and love your neighbor as yourself – your life will radically change in 5 particular ways.

You become sanctified and cleansed by His Word – When you love Christ and abide in Him, He “purges” you – removes all impurities, all stains, all rottenness so you can produce good fruit. He removes all of you and fills you with Him, so you can yield the fruit of His Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, kindness and self-control. (Gal 5:22) In order to show these traits, you must be emptied of the works of the flesh – i.e. uncleanness, hatred, drunkenness, etc. He “purges” every branch specifically so it could produce fruit for His glory. And this cleansing is a direct result of your decision to abide in Him! (Reference Jn 15:3)

You begin to produce fruit through HIS power – When you abide in Christ, you no longer have to try to produce fruit on your own. Gone are the days where you try to be good, to do right, to excel and succeed on your own! When you abide, you understand that your ability to “produce” is in Him! He becomes your supplier – giving you life, power, ability, foresight, wisdom, influence… He is responsible for the fruit that you bear. The burden of proof rests on Him! You are now free to simply love, to simply abide. The branch understands it cannot bear fruit of itself; without the vine it can do nothing. This knowledge frees you from trying so hard, hence the familiar saying, “let go and let God”. This revelation alone is life-changing!



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