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This part is for spending. If you want a new phone, a Abundance With Money Review  new gadget or a new car, then this account will supply the money for that. Keeping a savings account for this purpose eliminates your chances of going into debt and in overspending.

Learning more about financial education helps you more in becoming financially healthy and free. Invest on books, seminars and trainings. If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. Depriving yourself will not help you achieve financial success. Overindulging will not help you either. The key is balance. This account if like a reward. Spend it for yourself every month or every quarter. It is mainly up to you as long as you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

This account includes your daily allowance, transportation and food expenses, utilities and other necessities. Ideally, 50% is enough, but if it is quite hard to start with, 55% is still good. Charity is a fulfilling way to say thank you to every blessings that comes your way. This money can go to your church, a foundation that you support or even to a friend who unexpectedly needs financial help. The key is to always have an amount ready to be given to others. The more you give, the more you will receive.

This may be as simple as they look, but they are really powerful. Some people find it hard to start as they believe they would always run short, but it is actually the opposite. Keeping this habit will help you have more control with your money as in comes and goes. If you feel that you cannot follow all the other divisions since your expenses are quite big, you may follow this.



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