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In domestic has been eliminated. Specific surface area test unified the multi-point BET method at home and abroad, specific surface area measurement standards are developed at home and abroad is based on BET test method, please see our national standard (GB/T 19587-2004) – gas adsorption BET principle of solid material specific surface area measurement methods. Specific surface area testing is actually the more time-consuming jobs, as the adsorption capacity of sample is different, some sample testing may need to spend the whole dayTime, if the test process is not fully automated, the tester can not leave at any time, and should be highly focused, observe the dashboard, control the knob, a little careless will lead to the failure of the test process, which will waste a lot of valuable time of the tester.activated carbon for water filter

Organic waste gas comes from a variety of sources, and its generation and emission methods are not the same.Therefore, the treatment technology of organic waste gas is also varied, and each treatment technology also has its own different advantages and disadvantages.In the actual production process, according to different conditions, the choice of appropriate methods is the key to organic waste gas treatment.activated carbon suppliers canada

The treatment of organic waste gas mainly includes two categories: recovery method and elimination method.The main recovery technologies of organic waste gas include: adsorption method, absorption method, condensation method, membrane separation technology and pressure swing adsorption technology.Organic waste gas elimination technology can be divided into two categories: physical – chemical method and biological method.Physical – chemical methods include thermal destruction, photodecomposition, corona, ozone decomposition, etc.Biological methods include biological filter, biological drip filter, biological scour tower, membrane bioreactor, activated sludge process, etc.The purification rate of activated carbon adsorption method can reach more than 95%, if there is no regeneration device, the operation cost is too high, if the steam recovery, the process is too long, the operation cost is high, the recovery of solvent and water mixture utilization value is not high;Regeneration needs a stable steam source, and the adsorption capacity of activated carbon after repeated adsorption and desorption will gradually reduce, generally use two or three years after the replacement.The purification rate of liquid absorption method is only 60%-80%, and there are secondary pollution problems.

The purification rate of catalytic combustion method can reach 95%, but it is suitable for the treatment of high concentration, small air volume and high exhaust gas temperature of organic waste gas, and the gas temperature is higher, in order to improve the exhaust gas temperature, it needs to consume a lot of energy.The most used method is a catalytic combustion method, adsorption, it mainly particles or honeycomb carbon as adsorbent, to ensure the continuity of production, generally set up two adsorption bed used interchangeably, as a result of the switching cycle at least for ld, so adsorption bed volume big, adsorbent dosage, heavy equipment, large investment, operation trouble;As the bed volume is large, it is easy to appear the combustion and explosion caused by the accumulation of adsorption heat.To solve these problems, the adsorber of the existing new device adopts a multi-unit shunt combination structure, and uses a new material — activated carbon fiber as adsorbent


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