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With the start of a new era, brands might have started noticing a shift from heady consumerism to environmentally conscious choices. Today it is imperative to give back our earth what it deserves. A lot of destruction is done till date; now is the time to mend it and preserve the environment for a better future. Pandemic or not, a change has been long coming, but the process was slow. The good news is that it is stepping in the right direction.   

The increasing number of consumers are interested in investing in such brands that are ethical in their practice with the resources they use and the workers they employ. The deviation of people’s interest from fast fashion is visible. Hence, fashion brands need to be conscious of their steps and choices in supporting sustainability. Our apparel design software can be the solution to support sustainable fashion.   

Overcome the challenges of designing sustainable fashion with apparel design software   

In our further paragraphs, we will point out the challenges faced by the brands while creating sustainable fashion.   


Although the desire for sustainable products is growing, many shopping platforms dodge to highlight sustainable items and often focus on aesthetics. Small brands or the ones with little investment finds it difficult to get the right exposure. They are unable to entice their potential customers or even promote their sustainable products in front of the right audiences. The very first thing to boost your presence is to have a well-designed website. If you are a brand already having a website and still get unnoticed, you need to opt for digital marketing.    

Moving on, our software can be easily integrated into your existing website, and you don’t have to put on any extra penny in installing it. The pattern design software is designed in such a way that it can get seamlessly integrated with any website. By installing the software, you allow your customers to design their customized clothes, which is the prevailing trend. Once people will start visiting your website, design their unique attire, and place an order. Soon your brand can get the right exposure that you have always desired.  

Production Challenges  

One form of sustainable fashion is a circular fashion. It is designed with the intention to be used and circulated responsibly in society for as long as possible. Its principles include recyclability, renewables, without toxicity, and designing for resource efficiency.   

Abbey says any time a product is made; there is almost always waste associated with that product. It may be in the initial conception, sampling, production, packaging, and in the item itself. Hence, it’s difficult to limit all the waste factors, even with using recyclable materials. But why do you need to create so many samples to entice customers, as you never know what design or style will click the customers.    

So, what is the solution? The answer is clothing design software. You don’t have to create physical sample products to lure customers. Let them design their unique attire as per their fashion quotient, place an order, and then you can start producing the same. It will surely reduce the production of waste clothes, and your brand will support sustainability by producing the items on demand.  

Information Transparency  

Ecolabels play a vital role in transmitting information about standardized and certified processes related to attires' productions. It is important to avoid misleading and miscellaneous labels, which might be used only to “greenwash” products to make it look more sustainable than it really is. Customers need to be conscious of the investment they do in buying “greenwash” products.    

Today customers need reliable information and necessarily look for it. By installing our clothing design software, you can let your customers make an informed purchase. Our software has a feature that highlights the information about the sustainability level of the designed clothes.   

Wrapping up  

We at iDesigniBuy believe in helping brands support stylish yet sustainable fashion that can help them target the right audience. Our apparel design software is designed to support sustainable fashion.   

If you are interested in letting your brand stand out from your competitors, then this is the time to integrate our clothing design software.  

Contact us now to know more about the software and its features. 


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