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Entrepreneurship is defined as the act of being an Wealth Activator Code Review  entrepreneur; one who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking a financial risk in doing so. To me, entrepreneurship is so much more than a broad definition. It contains many different aspects that correlate in order to reach one goal. Entrepreneurs find ways of generating money in different ways, by not only incorporating generic ways of doing things, but also fusing unconventional ways, ways often referred to as “thinking outside the box.”

 Take for example the evolution of the music industry. Initially, songs were made up, on the fly and sung. Then songs were memorized, perfected and sung. Next, songs were written down and sung. Later, songs were recorded and put on Vinyl Records, Reel to Reel tapes, then 8-tracks and cassettes, and have evolved into the our present day formats of music media, CD's and MP3's. Although music has undergone this immense evolutionary phase, the essential elements of the music have stayed the same. The primary change in the music industry is in that of the mediums used to deliver the product.

Take for another example, written literature. The world of written literature began with the oral communication, or oral traditions of people throughout the world. These traditions remained with the peoples of that time and were passed onto each succeeding generations. These later generations took what their ancestors gave them and turned that information into pictographs or hieroglyphs. I'm sure many of you remember the mentioning of hieroglyphs in social studies class.

 These hieroglyphs evolved into rock art, which in turn, evolved into early writings with the creation of early forms of alphabet indigenous to the involved part of the world. With the alphabet, scribes were in high demand because they were the only ones who could produce or read literature. With the creation of the printing press however, the written literature industry changed dramatically. Literacy and mass-production of literature became a norm in society. Again, the essential elements of literature remained the same, but the mediums used to deliver the product changed, becoming more efficient.



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