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What are kidney cysts?

Sacs filled with fluids are known as Renal cyst or kidney cysts. It is a type of kidney disease which is caused due to the formation of solitary or numerous cysts within the tissues of kidneys. Diseases that are correlated with renal cysts are also known as cystic kidney disease or polycystic kidney disease. These diseases are serious kidney disorders that can cause a great deal of damage to the functioning abilities of kidneys,

The kidney cysts are also defined in the term of simple kidney cyst which means these are noncancerous and do not cause any complications. As we all know that kidneys are the whole management of internal organs which is connected with every major organ in your body. The essential duties are all a part of the tasks that kidneys perform on a daily basis. Most important is blood filtration, they remove waste products and excess fluids by filtering the blood and transforming it into the urine. Nephrons are located in each of the kidneys and there are millions of nephrons present in the kidneys. Each of the nephrons has a filter and a tubule as the blood is flowing through the kidneys to be filtered, the glomeruli which are the clusters of tiny blood vessels function as a filter and the tubule returns the needed substances to the bloodstream while removing the waste products from the blood.

As a result, the waste products excreted from your body in the form of urine. But a simple kidney cyst does not cause any obstructions in the functions of the kidneys because they are generally small round sacks that have a thin wall and are filled with hydrous fluid. As the age of people increases, cysts can develop on the surface or in the nephrons present in the kidneys. Their size ranges from small Pea and becomes as large as a grapefruit which means that they can grow over time. They are known simply because they do not create major risks for you to develop serious health issues.

But some of the cysts have thick walls and differ from the simple cysts. They can develop into kidney cancer in some cases.

Simple kidney cyst is much different than the cysts which are formed in polycystic kidney disease. The PKD cysts are very harmful to your kidneys and create a strike of complications in your body which can even lead to serious stages like kidney failure or end-stage renal disease. While these simple cysts are harmless and do not cause symptoms due to which one can have cysts in the kidneys unknowingly for years. As the growth of the system develops they can even become the size of a tennis ball due to which surrounding organs can be compressed and you feel symptoms like pain.

What are the signs and symptoms of renal cysts?

The simple renal cysts may not cause any symptoms but when they rupture bleeding starts and they can become infected which can lead to symptoms such as:

● Fever.
● Side pain.
● Pain between your ribs and pelvis, this pain is not that severe until the cysts burst and the severity of the condition increases.
● Upper abdominal pain.
● Abdominal swelling.
● Urinating more often which is unusual.
● Bloody urine.
● Dark cola coloured urine.

The damage that kidneys experience from the cysts depends on the location of the cysts. They can also lead to a type of high blood pressure if they start preventing the kidneys from performing blood filtration.

What are the causes of renal cysts?

Each nephron has tubes that are responsible for the process of reabsorption of essential substances during blood filtration. The kidneys cysts occur when the tubules within the kidneys become enlarged and abnormal sized tubules are filled with fluids.

The doctors are still unaware of the causes of kidneys cysts but one thing is in the knowledge that simple renal cysts are not associated with inherited diseases. People aged 50 or older can have one or more simple cyst in the kidneys. Therefore old aged people are at higher risks of developing renal cysts.

What are the complications of renal cysts?

Several complications can arise occasionally when your kidneys have cysts. These include:

● Infected cysts: The kidney cells may become infected which can cause fever and pain.
● A burst cyst: The kidney cyst burst and causes pain in the back and side.
● Urine obstruction of the kidney: Cyst can also create obstructions in the normal flow of urine which can also lead to the swelling of the kidney. The medical term for swollen kidneys is hydronephrosis.

When to see a doctor?

If you experience any signs and symptoms of renal cysts, make an appointment with the doctor.

Can ayurvedic remedies shrink renal cysts?

The allopathic treatment for shrinking renal cysts is limited to cyst removal surgeries or shrinkage procedures known as cyst sclerotherapy, which are both painful and expensive. The patient’s do not need treatments until the cysts have started to compress other organs which can create more complications in your body. The cysts become refilled and come back even after undergoing these painful procedures.

That is why Ayurveda has introduced remedies that can prove to be beneficial in shrinking the renal cysts without injecting certain fluids or surgeries. Ayurveda is an ancient practice of a medical system that is an expert in each aspect of human anatomy. The ayurvedic and natural approach in the Ayurvedic remedies treatment for shrink renal cyst can help in the permanent shrinkage of the renal cysts.

Therefore many allopathic medications are available for the shrinkage of the cysts but they can create harmful impacts on your body as these modern antibiotics contain drugs and supplements which affect your body. Whereas the herb-based medications are produced by pure and organic herbs which are efficient in shrinking the renal cysts without any side effects.

These points are associated with the ayurvedic diet of a patient with renal cysts :

● Foods that are high in sodium are restricted as a low sodium diet can balance the elevated levels of blood pressure.
● A protein-rich diet such as meat, beans and eggs are prohibited as they can hinder kidney function.
● Stay hydrated in order to have a healthy digestive system.
● Avoid smoking and drinking because these habits can provide a great deal of damage to the kidneys.
● Include yoga in your lifestyle as it regulates your blood pressure and eliminates the toxins out of the body.

Therefore changes in your diet and lifestyle along with the herbal medications work in the enhancement of the patient's mental and physical well being.

The Ayurvedic remedies treatment for shrink renal cyst includes these holistic herbs which are:

● Milk Thistle.
● Gokshura.
● Kaasni.
● Punarnava.
● Palash.
● Rakta Chandan.
● Shirish.

These herbs are used in Ayurvedic remedies treatment for shrink renal cyst because they prevent kidneys from foreign infections and heals the abnormalities within kidneys.


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