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Try that one the next time you are trying to encourage your partner to get busy! Seriously, it has been medically proven that the act of sex is beneficial to your emotional and physical health. The hormone, testosterone is released in large amounts during the activity which is essential for strong muscles and bones. You will also burn calories and your brain will release Oxytocin which makes the emotions of nurturing and affection stronger. So, to summarize the benefits in a nutshell, you get stronger muscles, burn calories, and feelings of love and affection from engaging in sex on a regular basis. I can't think of any exercise that can do that and it sure won't be as much fun! VR Porn Videos 

If you participate in sexual activity on a regular basis it is excellent for helping you to maintain your weight, it burns off calories which also reduces fat stores. You can actually burn similar calorie totals as you would with weight training, canoeing, dancing, or walking. You will also experience an increased blood flow overall in your body which helps your health in all areas and since it also increases your heart rate it can have cardiac benefits as well. Good cholesterol is increased and bad is decreased. 

Another side benefit from having sex at bedtime is that it relieves stress and releases sleep inducing hormones that will help you to sleep better. If you are having trouble sleeping, maybe you aren't getting enough. Free Porn Videos

Sex makes you live longer. Now there's a cool bumper sticker. But, it's true, according to studies stating that two orgasms per week could your death rate by as much as 50% compared to people only having one a month. In addition, your immune system is boosted and the so-called mother hormone, DHEA is released which increases cognitive abilities, helps repair and maintain tissues, helps with bone growth, and help your skin to stay looking healthy and smooth. It kind of sounds like the fountain of youth, doesn't it?

Due to the release of testosterone and estrogen you want to have sex more often. Testosterone is also the hormone that is essential in the building and toning of muscles. The estrogen and testosterone are also the hormones that stimulate a woman to want her partner's touch and penetration.  

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