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Sore eyes or conjunctivitis is a condition that can be caused by many factors. The most common cause of sore eyes is the virus, which then causes inflammation in the area. There are three types of sore eye disease, and they all require different treatments to heal them up. If you want to prevent getting these diseases in the first place, there are some simple things you can do like wash your hands often and avoid touching your face with dirty hands. Many people who have sore eyes like to wear sunglasses in Sri Lanka, in order to cover up the redness and inflammation. 

Sore eyes or conjunctivitis is a condition that causes an inflammation in the eyes. It can be caused by many factors, but most commonly it’s due to a virus which gets passed around from person to person as well as through contact with things like dirty surfaces and hands. There are three types of sore eye disease divided into two main categories: bacterial and viral infections. The treatments for these diseases vary depending on what type you have contracted, so if you want to treat your sore eyes correctly make sure you know which kind you have. 

Types of sore eyes

There are several different types of sore eyes. The three main types are:

  • Bacterial – Bacterial infections can be caused by anything that enters the eye such as dirt or dust. These infections cause redness, irritations and discharge from the affected eye which is very unpleasant for a patient's comfort levels. There are many ways to help treat this infection but one way you can prevent it is by thoroughly washing your hands before touching your face with them since bacteria live on things like dirty surfaces and hands.


  • Viral – Viral infections spread easily between people through coughs & sneezes therefore if you find yourself getting this type make sure to keep away from other until you feel better. Symptoms of viral sore eyes include redness and pain which can be relieved with cold compresses.


  • Allergic Conjunctivitis – Allergic conjunctivitis is a type of sore eyes that is caused by an allergic reaction to something like dust, pollen or other allergens. It causes the eyes to be itchy and red which should go away after a few days if you are not exposed any more to whatever triggered your allergy.

Causes of sore eyes

Sore eyes may be caused by many different factors including allergens, irritants, infections & dryness (dry eyes caused by contact lenses can also cause sore eyes which is why most people prefer to buy spectacles online in Sri Lanka rather than contacts). Sore eyes are usually due to allergies or infection of the cornea (outer layer) which can be caused by bacteria or viruses that get into your eye. 

It is also crucial for you to know that there are some things out of your control when it comes to sore eyes such as allergies, weather conditions & eye irritants (smoke). If they affect you then just try taking different measures like wearing sunglasses or goggles while walking outside and minimizing the use of possible irritants at home etc. There's no need to freak out since these things can be managed. Lastly always remember that prevention is better than cure which means, keep an eye on hygiene even if nothing happened before because without proper care any problems might get worse fast.

 Treatments for sore eye symptoms

Treating sore eyes may sound easy but there are many things to consider. For example, if you have dry eyes then it's best that you use artificial tears on a daily basis while for other types of eye diseases the treatment may vary depending on which type or symptom is causing your soreness and discomfort. The best course of action is to visit a doctor and get the right treatment for your condition rather than assuming what you need to use. As people age their tear glands reduce production which leads dry eye symptoms so it is recommended that older people should also find ways how to treat this issue properly instead of just ignoring it thinking there's nothing wrong with them because they're old already.

There are many different types of treatments available for sore eyes, some include drops that are used on a regular basis.

Prevention methods for sore eyes

Prevention is always better than cure, and preventing sore eyes is no exception. Wearing glasses is important for protection against dust, sand and other foreign materials that can get into the eyes, whether they are sunglasses or spectacles. If you wear contact lenses then it's best to clean them properly before wearing them again in order not to irritate your eyes even more than they already are by using dirty lenses. 

Avoid smoking as well since nicotine constricts blood vessels and reduces the amount of oxygen reaching various parts of the body including tear glands making dry eye syndrome much more likely along with a whole bunch of other health problems caused by regular cigarette smoking.

Washing hands frequently, avoiding touching your face too much especially when sick, not sleeping with makeup on if possible, reducing stress levels as this causes tiredness which results in disturbed sleep patterns leading towards dry eyes and other symptoms are some good practices to follow.

Your eyes are an important part of your day-to-day life, and you should take care to keep them healthy. If you have been experiencing any symptoms for a while now, it may be time to see an eye doctor.


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