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Teachers are well aware that keeping students' attention can be difficult, particularly in a traditional classroom setting. Teachers are adapting to new learning patterns, personal technologies, and a collaborative spirit, to name a few. Also, it can be incorporating activities, adding cartoons to books, and more. As a result, the teaching atmosphere has evolved to meet the needs of our students. 

While teachers are aware that they must communicate with and encourage students in order to hold their attention, it can still be a challenge. As a result, they need strategies for capturing their children's attention and keeping it focused on meaningful learning in every classroom. 

Below you will learn some effective ways to get your students' attention. Some ways are familiar to you; however, others are new, and you can always incorporate them in class. 

Be clear with your goals.

Clearly express your goals at the start of class—or, better yet, the school year. If you want to give your students clear instructions for a project or activity, make sure you do so in a way that is simple to understand and avoids causing confusion. Maintaining the students' attention as the school year progresses requires clear, efficient communication.

Use humor in lessons

A good joke is the best way to get your students' attention. Everything will work if used properly, whether it's a joke about yourself, the weather, or the irony of a term. Humor is well known for making people feel at ease and fostering a fun learning environment. It's best to use it at the beginning or end of a sentence rather than when highlighting a key point.

Another thing to keep in mind when using humor is to make sure it is accurately interpreted. When students get the joke, they pay more attention. If the learner is unable to overcome the inconsistency, he or she can feel uncertainty rather than laughter, which is not an ideal learning state.

Add cartoons in lessons.

One way to get your students' attention is by adding cartoons in their readings or placing caricature on the board. Cartoons breathe life into the dull pages of books. Cartoons are really appealing to the eye.

The children's minds are imprinted by the cartoon images they see. They are more likely to recall what they saw in the form of cartoons, or what acts the cartoons took, or something else. Cartoons, when used correctly, can be very beneficial.

For turning picture to cartoon, you can check out TheCartoonist.Me. They have different services, which can be a perfect option for you to add to your lessons. 

Incorporate movements

Get your students' blood flowing because movement benefits both their bodies and their minds. Perhaps they should stand when asking a question or demonstrating an issue on the whiteboard? For them, simple movements like this can be both refreshing and relaxing.

You can also do some short activities which they can a move even just a minute. By incorporating movements, they will feel alive, and their mind and body will be energized to learn more. 

Teach at the appropriate level of difficulty

Students can become distracted if the material is too complex or too difficult. At the start, check for comprehension or boredom, then adapt the content to the class. If you are teaching a lesson that you think the students know already or have learned from their previous year, you can start thinking of how to level up their lesson. 

Alternatively, if you teach them a particular lesson that you can see that your students are having a hard time, it is best to start little by little until they feel comfortable and knowledgeable about it.

Play memory games

While memory isn't technically a muscle, it can aid in concentration. Memory games are a fun way for students to hone their concentration so that they can concentrate when faced with a difficult task.


Play memory games with the class at regular intervals during the school day, or work with the attention-challenged students outside of class time to play concentration games. To promote this form of play during free time, add memory games to classroom electronics.

Do the unexpected

Nothing beats doing something completely unexpected to reclaim the students' interest. If you feel compelled to howl like a wolf in front of the class or believe that doing a few jumping jacks is the last thing your students will expect from their instructor, give it a shot. 

Your behavior should surprise and shock your students, allowing them to give you their undivided attention.


Be clear with your goals, use humor and cartoon in lessons, incorporate movements, and more can be done to get your students' attention effectively. Some children would have a more challenging time paying attention than others. You should take steps to help your students develop their focus. It just takes a little extra thought and effort on your part to make a huge difference in your students' lives.

If you are interested in cartoon art as additional material for your students, check out TheCartoonist.Me. They have services such as cartoon yourself, cartoonize your dog, special request, and more. 


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