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Orthopedic physical therapy is a treatment that aims at improving the function of the patient’s orthopedic system. The orthopedic system is comprised of bones, muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons.

Conditions that can benefit from orthopedic physiotherapy

If you are facing the prospect of surgery or you have been injured then you can benefit from orthopedic physiotherapy. You might have had a sports-related injury, a fall or an injury from repetitive use of a joint. Orthopedic physiotherapy treatment is focused on helping the patient build up his/her strength, range of motion and flexibility. Orthopedic physiotherapy aims to get you back on your feet and improve your quality of life.

Orthopedic physiotherapy may be prescribed for patients with knee conditions, hip conditions, foot and ankle conditions, hand, arm and wrist conditions, shoulder conditions, spine conditions and other conditions such as Lyme disease, arthritis, cartilage damage, running injuries, and more.

If you have an injury or illness to any part of your body that affects your ability to conduct daily activities and move, you may benefit from physical therapy.

Orthopedic surgery

Surgery that involves your joints requires physiotherapy afterwards to regain full-body mobility. Knee and hip replacement operations are some of the most common procedures. Your orthopedic surgeon has specific recommendations for you after you have had your surgery. Orthopedic physiotherapists can help you with your recovery process after surgery and ensure that you don’t re-injure yourself.

Benefits of orthopedic physiotherapy

Exercise is very important in your recovery. It is work with purpose. You will need orthopedic physical therapy for guidance throughout the healing process. A physiotherapist who specializes in skeletal and muscular conditions will be prepared to help you. They will know how to encourage you to get good results without causing unnecessary reinjure and discomfort. They will use different types of tools during your sessions such as assistive devices, therapeutic modalities and more.


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