1. Health

Faster, more accurate life expectancy underwriting

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Telegenisys abstracts are designed to provide you with the most relevant information in the least amount of time. Our structured abstracts are created by medical professionals, so they're highly accurate and easy to read. In order to deliver such results, Telegenisys has developed VMR (Visualize Medical Record) which combines all medical information, dissects it chronologically, and presents it with precision in indexes that are easy to read and drill down into medical records.

By using our concise, thorough reports your underwriters can make faster decisions about your application while saving valuable time and money. Our team of physicians, nurses, and pharma graduates will review your medical records and provide the information needed to generate a Life Certificate.

Know more: https://www.telegenisys.com/medical-abstracts-for-life-expectancy-underwriting/


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