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Users can view category-wise listing of products and can search, sort, filter and select any product to view detailed description with the option to add that product in shopping cart and place an order by making an online payment to earn loyalty points. Users can view all orders & can receive, send & redeem gift cards. Users can view and withdraw wallet balance. Drivers can set their income targets. Drivers can view all bookings and can also schedule bookings to receive delivery requests as per the selected date and time. Drivers can view earnings from the last trip, distance traveled and duration of the trip in the application.

Product Listing Management

Sellers can view a list of all products listed so far with the option add/edit/delete any product.

Product Inventory Management

Sellers can manage the inventory of all their products and set alert related to quantity for various listed products.

Order Management

Sellers can view/manage all the upcoming/completed/canceled/returned orders.

Transaction History

Sellers can view transactions history of online payment made by users .


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