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The old adage goes that “birds of a feather, flock together”. Maybe. But if you really look around, you’ll find more examples of peaceful co-existence. The variety of people we meet right from the time we begin school in the diverse classroom. How interesting it is to see it proved over and over again that opposites attract! I fondly think of my closest friends. We are practically like chalk and cheese. (On an aside, we’ve eaten both! Ewwh.) In some cases we hit it off from the word “go!” but in many others, we did not hit it off right away. Still, as Universe intended it, situations arose that led us to bond–as if to make up for lost time–and all is well. I like to think of each one of us as part of a jigsaw puzzle–just waiting to fit into each other’s groove, seamlessly. I feel fortunate to have friends I’ve known for decades–for most of my life–and I am grateful that we are in touch regularly. Sure, we fight and argue and chew our brains off sometimes, but overall, there’s always the undercurrent of unconditional love–unshakable, permanent and, like a giant hug just waiting to enclose me […]

The post Girlfriends appeared first on Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles.


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