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A responsive website, well-structured URLs, high-end domain name, page speed, clean code, and optimized content etc. is right to have when you want to start digital marketing.

However, with local keywords, well-curated content, and high-quality products/services come the responsibility of business registration for small businesses while doing local SEO.

This is what Google My Business is for!

Ignoring the value Google provides to your small business is one of the major mistakes several startups make. Do you know, about 45% of Google searches are about “near me,” or are related to the local queries by the users?

According to studies, one out of every two-three Google searches is local. Considering this pattern of searches and to make it easy for the consumers, Google is now more keen than ever to strengthen the local businesses through local SEO.

So, don't be on the fence! If you want to grow fast in your locality and beat your local competitors with digital marketing, create an account on Google My Business now!

  1. It helps you get your small brand a physical address while offering and verifying the ownership of the business to you.

  2. In this way, your small business or mid-sized brand will now start appearing on the map when someone searches you, or for a local solution, you provide. 

  3. You will become eligible to show in the local results box in the SERPs when you perform your digital marketing strategies.

Although it's an easy process, you still need to make sure that you provide the following information accurately:

  1. Your Company's name

  2. Physical business address

  3. Business category

  4. Your office opening/closing hours (update them every time if they are flexible)

  5. Your business website link

To make sure that your customers find you trustworthy and you remain on top in SERPs, ensure to respond to every review that someone posts. Don't even ignore the negative reviews, in fact, respond in the most polite and positive way you can.

It will help your Google users know that you are transparent and they can rely on you. To enhance their trust in you, add quality photos of your workplace, and your team.


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