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Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is an anxiety disorder in which someone has repeated, unwanted thoughts or ideas (obsessions) and feels the need to perform actions and rituals (compulsions) to cope with the anxiety produced by those thoughts. While everyone double-checks things once in a while, such as making sure they turned off the stove or locked the front door, someone with OCD is consumed by the need to check things or do simple actions over and over to the point where these thoughts and rituals are distressing and interfere with daily living. While each person with OCD has his or her own individual obsessions and compulsions, there are some common symptoms. These include: 

  • Repeated thoughts about different things, such as a fear of germs and dirt; being excessively neat; fear that something will happen to loved ones; harming loved ones; violent or sexual acts; things that conflict with one’s religious beliefs 
  • Doing the same things over and over. Common rituals include washing hands, turning lights on and off; locking and unlocking doors; counting; tapping an object a certain number of times; and excessive hoarding. 
  • Inability to control these thoughts and behaviors

Visit now – https://anxietyocdbala.com/what-we-treat/help-with-ocd/


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