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One thing I discovered is that I wouldn't make sense for me to buy one, it's too TyrannyLiberator Review  expensive and would take too long for me to get my money back since they cost upwards of ten grand!It just makes more sense to build my own for a few hundred dollars. I'll get my money back in a few months versus several years.I don't have any experience building something like this but I found that I don't need any. There are plenty of information available, manuals that I can easily follow.

So here's the lowdown on building your own turbine It's cost around $200. That price will vary somewhat depending on what part of the country you live in, but it won't be much different.Your savings could be as high as 80% off of your electric bills. It will depend on the size of the turbine you build, how much wind you have in your area, etc. But on average you can expect a significant savings.

 Depending on how much time you have to build your turbine it shouldn't take more than a day or two. It's really pretty easy to do. You don't need any special parts; everything can be bought in your local hardware store.So, if you want to save money on your utility bills, go for it, build your own wind turbine. It's not hard or expensive but it can save you a lot of money. You'll also have fun bragging to your friends about what a cool thing you've done and all the money you are saving.



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