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A sourcing list is a document, which lists vendors and suppliers most conveniently. All you need to do to prepare such a sourcing list reviewer is to take note of the names, addresses, and contact details of the companies and individuals, who can provide you with the products you are looking for.

 The advantage of this arrangement is that you do not have to go through the trouble of contacting them individually. Instead, all the information you need is available in one document, ready for use. The role of a Retail Arbitrage Assistant seeking a mobile product sourcing is much the same as that of a sourcing review service. Both are designed to help you determine the value of a product.

Choose Proper Sourcing Products:-

When sourcing products, it is a common mistake to choose a vendor without making any preliminary research. The sourcing list should be used to help you make the right choice.

For example, when looking for a mobile product, you should take note of its specifications, price, features, and brand. Once you know what you are looking for, you can start gathering information from various sources. This is where the role of a reviewing service becomes important.

A reviewing service should help you assess the merits of a particular product from the different vendors available. They take note of the customer reviews, pricing, and features. They take into account the history of the product and whether or not a manufacturer has provided updates for security, warranty, and support.

 They also take into account if there has been any innovation with the product. After all, it is impossible to keep track of every single development that happens in technology, so using a supplier’s record can serve as a rough guide.

In the case of retail arbitrage, for instance, the reviewer will look at the prices of competing products and suggest the best ones. Retail arbitrage Ecommerce assistant, on the other hand, reviews cell phones based on their resale value.


A good sourcing service will be able to provide you with information about the history of the product as well as a detailed report about its features. If there was any innovation with the product, it should be noted in the report.

It is also important to check the past performance of a mobile phone, as this will help you evaluate if the manufacturer is still committed to developing newer, more useful models. If a product has been released and was sold well for years, it is safe to assume that it will sell well once more.

It would be ideal if service providers could get to know the source of the mobile phone. Unfortunately, their network of dealers and resellers does not extend beyond the country or even around the city where they work.

Unless they have access to a manufacturer’s secret factories or know the right person in the industry, they cannot make a recommendation of a top-end device based on factory visits and interviews. Service providers need to learn how to review mobile phones from a manufacturer’s point of view to provide the right recommendations to their customers.

Source Article – https://www.myecommerceassistant.co.uk/blog/how-a-sourcing-list-can-improve-your-sales-performance

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