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“Having good health is the greatest possession”, but the real definition of good health remains unclear and unknown. People deem good health to achieve a strong body by watching their calorie intake or running for hours on the treadmill, but this is not the thing. Achieving a sense of mental, physical, and social wellbeing is deemed good health or a state in which your body is working and processes functioning at its peak.

Indeed sweating out at the gym can help your clothes fit better, but Without proper nourishment, such as a balanced diet that includes protein, potassium, calcium, antioxidants, you may be causing more damage to your body. You might be looking perfectly fit and healthy from the outside, but your inner organs, such as the brain, heart, and liver, also require as much nourishment to perform some essential functions for survival.

Talking about inner organs, then your fist-sized kidneys do a lot but are often given less priority. Your kidneys are remarkably intricate organs that perform some pertinent roles that are essential to keep you alive. Let's take a closure look at those functions just to make you feel how blessed you're that your kidneys are doing just fine and healthy:-

● Your kidneys keep the level of calcium, magnesium, protein, potassium, and salt in a proportionate amount in your body.
● Your kidneys release certain hormones that control your blood pressure.
● Your kidneys remove acidic waste produced by the cells of your body.
● Your kidneys produce an active form of vitamin D required to keep your bones strong and healthy.
● Your kidneys balance the level of fluids inside your body.
● Your kidneys purify your blood from chemical toxins, pollutants, and other substances through urine.

These are some of the kidneys' primary functions, which shows that your kidneys are nature's best waste management plant; hence keeping them healthy should be your paramount responsibility.

How do kidney problems occur?

There are several environmental and biological stresses that can affect and impair your kidneys' functioning partially or wholly depending on the severity of the disease. According to research, here are some primary drivers of kidney dysfunction which, includes the following-

● If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes
● If you have uncontrolled blood pressure
● If you have had renal surgery
● Excessive blood loss from the body
● Obstruction in the urinary tract, due to kidney infection, kidney stones, or enlarged prostate
● Inflammation occurs in glomeruli (kidneys' filtering units)
● If you have had polycystic kidney disease

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?

Kidney problems often take time to get visible. A person suffering from chronic kidney disease might feel some visible signs after 30 to 40% loss of their functioning, which includes the following:-

● Nausea and vomiting
● Having frequent urges to pass urine
● Feeling pain or pressure on the chest
● Sudden weight loss without doing anything
● Loss of appetite
● Swelling on legs, ankles, hands, and feet due to increasing level of waste in the body
● Anxiety and depression
● Getting bruised easily
● Having yellow-brown skin color
● Weak bones increase risk of getting fractured

Is there any permanent cure for kidney problems?

The effect of kidney diseases can be prevented for a certain period, but can't be cured if detected at the end-stage of renal diseases. There certain medicines which can slow down the symptoms of kidney failure, but can leave some serious side effects on the body if consumed regularly, such as-

● Constipation
● Stomach heat
● Headaches
● Insomnia
● Acnes
● Internal bleeding
● Suicidal thoughts
● Dizziness
● Fatigue
● Dry mouth
● Skin rash or dermatitis
● Drowsiness
● Abnormal heartbeat

If you're looking for a permanent cure, then switch to Ayurvedic kidney treatment because the treatment is entirely natural and equally supportive to people of all ages.

How does Ayurvedic treatment cure kidney complications?

Ayurveda employs a holistic approach to harmonize your mind, body, and soul, which has become the main essence of its popularity around the world. Ayur means life, and Veda means science called Ayurveda as “science of life”. Ayurveda is all about exploring, healing, and prolonging life through a good diet, herbal remedies, exercise, and meditation. Ayurvedic treatment is quite distinctive and focuses on permanently curing the problem rather than just preventing it for a shorter period of time.

For the genuine revival of your kidneys' functioning, you need to consult only experienced Ayurvedic practitioners for best ayurvedic kidney treatment.


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