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In addition to physical exercise, add some mental exercise to improve your memory each day. Though researchers don't fully understand the mechanism at this time, mental activity does appear to help people retain mental sharpness. The commonly held belief that we lose brain cells as we age has been disproved. It simply isn't true. What seems to be true is that our brains get rusty with disuse, just as our muscles wither without exercise.

If you’re looking for ways on how to train your brain to boost memory, this is something you should know: The reality is, our human mind was never made to memorize, store or recall a ton of information. Back in the Stone Age, our brain was designed to process the environment around us and to anticipate danger around us. It was all about survival then: hunting for food, finding for shelter and safety away from harm and danger.

Over time, with developments and discoveries, our brains had to develop and get accustomed to what is around us. The amount of information we now have access to has grown exponentially over the Ages. Now, in the Age of Information, the cost of getting new info is so low that it happens right at your fingertips–resulting in information explosion!

Since we have the capability of info at our fingertips, the amount of information we have to process is ever-increasing. As technology has advanced, we now have to perform more complicated tasks, which require us to quickly retrieve information from our memory (writing, operating a relatively complicated tool, delayed information such as trading goods, signing contracts, etc.). These days, our brains are less like survival organs and more like pattern recognition machines. They are now required to process enormous amounts of information, to make decisions, and to make connections amongst a myriad of information.

With this change comes new limitations to our brains. Because we have limited brain capacity, the amount of information grows so much that everything just passes through our mind without solid retention (Information overload), and we can’t tell what is useful or not. We’re facing an unprecedented number of tasks to handle on a daily basis–resulting in mental energy that has to be distributed among many different things at once.



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