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What is WHOIS Information?

WHOIS is an internet record listing that keeps track of the domain owner and his contact details. Thus, these records are a useful resource to develop the integrity of the domain. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has the regulatory authority of domain name registration and ownership.

Each WHOIS record contains information such as the registrant's name and contact particulars and the registrar's contact particulars. Further information such as recent updates, name servers, registration dates and expiration dates is also a part of WHOIS records.

What are WHOIS Models:

There are two different models for storing WHOIS data:

Thin Model:

Thin WHOIS only provides information about the name servers, registrar and registration dates.

Thick Model:

A thick WHOIS gives other essential and additional details such as administrative, registrant, and technical information. It is not easy to track WHOIS information with so many servers and registrars out there, but Navicosoft’s cheap domain name Tool makes it convenient to track all the data.

Accuracy of WHOIS information:

WHOIS record is initially updated when the domain name is registered. If the information gets outdated, ICANN updates their contact details with domain registrants. The information change generally involves using the registrar's website to access account information. The record changes take a time of 24 hours to update.

WHOIS Privacy:

There is no way one can hide the domain registration existence since anyone can check a domain's status via WHOIS. However, some domain registrars facilitate private registration services (proxy services) by keeping registrants information private, whereas the registrar's contact information is accessible. “Private registration” reserves the registrant contact information.

Navicosoft’s WHOIS lookup privacy for domain:

Navicosoft offers you a privacy in a cheap domain name called “WHOIS”, which is a database to store all your data. We provide a WHOIS lookup privacy service to secure and mask your personal data so that all your preliminary data is unknown behind a proxy. Navicosoft gives you complete security of your data.


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