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When you have an instant hot water supply at a moment’s notice, it is easy to underestimate the importance of regular servicing. However, the rise of issues sheds light on the need for periodical maintenance. Apart from keeping the appliance in optimum condition, regular maintenance also enhances the functionality. Moreover, it can also assist in extending the shelf life of the hot water system. Keep in mind that without proper servicing, you could potentially lose several years from the total lifespan of the water heater. Furthermore, it can also prevent dangerous accidents from happening in the first place.

The average lifespan of a hot water system

Generally, the average lifespan of a hot water system is 8-12 years. However, proper servicing and maintenance is the only way to keep the appliance running in perfect condition.

Let Us Get Onto The Question: How often does a hot water system need servicing?

The servicing interval of the hot water system depends on its type. Take a look at some of the types and the time interval within which the maintenance needs to be done.

  • Gas and electric storage – once every five years. However, one must check out the T&P (Temperature and Pressure Relief) Valve once per six months. For this, you will simply need to lift the valve lever for at least ten seconds.
  • Continuous Flow – Once a year
  • Heat pump- Once a year
  • Solar – Once every five years

However, to be more specific, it is advisable to read the manufacturer’s manual. Moreover, you can also take suggestions from licensed plumbers.

Signs that indicate that the hot water system is in need of service

There are several signs that show that the hot water system needs servicing. These are –

1. Lack of hot water: One of the main signs that alert homeowners are the absence of hot water. When the appliance meant to supply you with warm water fails to do so, there is no way you can doubt the need for servicing.

2. Rust: If you see reddish-brown colored water coming from the faucets, you need to service the heater straight away. Moreover, the metallic taste of water is also an indication.

3. Temperature fluctuation: The temperature differences in the water can also point out that the hot water system is not functioning properly.

4. Weird noises: The hot water system is bound to make some noises when it’s functioning. However, if you hear a loud clicking, clanging, or rumbling sound, then that's cause for concern. Failure to opt for servicing can lead to an increase in the water bill.

Why is servicing the hot water system so crucial?

Depending on the water supply that you get, servicing the hot water system becomes more crucial. For instance, if your area gets hard water, which contains a high concentration of minerals like calcium and magnesium, then the appliance is at risk. The accumulation of the minerals can lead to rust and corrosion within a short time span. It can eventually lead to the failure of the anodes, relief valves, tempering valve, thermostat, and more.

Here, it is vital to note that the life expectancy of the tank is dependent on the anode. It is this anode rod that attracts the minerals and impurities in the tank. Made from magnesium or aluminum with a coating of zinc, it is the anode rod that

offers extensive protection to the appliance. Instead of the rusting of the tank, the anode undergoes corrosion. However, it can ultimately lead to tank rupturing. That is why you must think of replacing it within 4-5 years.

Another thing that is crucial to the longevity of the hot water system is the relief valves. Both Expansion Control Valve (ECV) and Temperate and Pressure Relief Valve (T&P valve) are vital components of the hot water system.

Benefits of hot water system servicing

There is a wide range of advantages that one can gain from hot water system servicing. Check out some of them listed here so that you can understand the importance with ease.

  • More safety: With servicing, you don’t have to worry about unfortunate accidents with the hot water system. The stories about the bursting of the appliance are very much real.

  • Increased reliability: The servicing of the hot water system makes it more reliable. Now, you don’t have to constantly worry about the safety of the family members.

  • Extended lifespan: It is true that servicing aids in increasing the longevity of the hot water system. At the very least, it prevents massive issues from occurring in the first place.

  • Reduced repairs: It is without a doubt that periodical servicing of the system leads to fewer repairs in the future. That means that you don’t have to spend much.

  • Increased efficiency: To get the maximum functionality of the hot water system, servicing is highly crucial.

What is included in a hot water system servicing?

It is vital to know what you can get from a hot water system servicing. That way, you can understand if the service provider is trying to dupe you or take advantage of your lack of knowledge.

Hot water system servicing usually includes –

1.  Checking the T&P valve

2. Anode check

3. Cleaning of the hot water system

4. Checking the gas pressure

5. Taking a look at the thermostat

6. Checking the burner pressure

7. Detecting the presence of any leaks on the device

8. A general check-up before leaving

It is essential to keep in mind that these are generally included and not the concrete terms offered by every service provider. Take a look at the service before you make any financial commitments.

Factors that determine the longevity of the hot water system

There are several factors that influence the lifespan of a hot water system. Knowing about them will help you to take proper precautions. Check out the factors listed here.

  • Usage

The workload of the water heater plays a direct role in determining its lifespan. The more you use it or put pressure on the system, the less time it will last.

  • Hard water

If you have a supply of incoming hard water, then your hot water system is at risk. It is because hard water has a high content of various minerals. Constant buildup of these minerals can lead to corrosion. This can ultimately cause irreversible damage to the appliance.

  • Maintenance

Did you know that periodical maintenance of the hot water system can prolong its lifespan? With efficient maintenance, it is possible to prevent issues from happening. That can eventually save your appliance.

  • Build quality

It is without a doubt that the quality of the hot water system plays a vital role in estimating its shelf life. What you pay is what you get. If you are looking for a cheap solution for your household, you cannot expect it to last for several years.

Looking for efficient hot water system servicing? Get in touch with us today!

Our SOS Plumber Sydney team is one of the best plumbing service providers. Our team of skilled plumbers and technicians can handle the hot water system servicing with ease and efficiency. With us, you don’t have to worry about your hot water system anymore. Moreover, we use high-grade tools. Furthermore, we charge fair price quotes and are available round the clock. Just call us, and we will help you immediately!


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