How to build the perfect email template for the automotive industry?

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Seeking to help the automotive segment to achieve better sales performance through active prospecting, we built x cold mail templates for you to use in this moment of crisis.

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The email structure is a fundamental point for the success of a cold mail. Thus, we demonstrate how to use this structure in the best possible way.

However, it is important to remember that if you are from the automotive segment, you are the expert in this area.

So, understand the structure very well and make fundamental changes responsible for positioning your business as the authority on your solution.

Cold mail template for the automotive segment

Let's go straight to the long-awaited cold mail template:

“Good afternoon {first name}

I hope the motorcycles in your fleet are 100% with this

increase in the volume of deliveries. [Problem situation]

We have just carried out the maintenance of the {competitor} fleet and

we were able to save 20% cost on broken parts

[Third-party success].

Following all precautions during the pandemic. what do you think of us?

specialist stop by to check your fleet?



{E-mail signature}”

Want to understand how I built this template? It was all molded in the SP3O framework, where we identified a few points before getting really hands-on.

Understand what this framework means and how you can apply it to any prospecting email for your business.

SP3O email structure

I particularly find the cold email framework developed by the Winning by Design team very interesting.

The email framework for prospecting is called SP3O. Using this framework brings clarity to you on what is important to your potential customer.

After all, the best sellers are not those who sell products or features, but benefits to their consumers.


Every consumer who wants to make a purchase has a problem, whether it's a problem to optimize your results or to stop missing possible results.

Thus, you need to identify what is the current situation of your potential customer and how you can help him with your solution.

For example, there was a substantial increase in the number of orders placed in delivery’s. Consequently, the volume of KMs run by moto boys increased. This leads to greater use of the motorcycle as a work tool and, ultimately, maintenance and replacement parts will be necessary.

If you are a B2B company that has the ability to sell to a car fleet group, you have identified the situation.

People hire sales software when they need to increase their sales, masks when there's a pandemic, and streaming subscriptions when they can't leave the house.

Everything has its consequences, so it is essential that you understand your potential client's problem.

Read More: PropertyNews

Problem (P)

By understanding the situation, you've probably already identified the problem, haven't you? However, it is very important that you dig deep into the problem that situation is creating for your prospect.

To do this, ask a basic question:

“What problem is the situation causing the prospect?”

In the examples above we can identify some problems:

Breaking parts;

Low in sales;

Fear, insecurity and desire for protection;

Boredom of not being able to leave the house.

Third-Party Success (3)

Naturally we are questioners. That's why social proofs are so important to us.

Who never stopped buying something because it had a bad rating in the comments?

This is the time to look inside your business and ask yourself:

When did I help a prospect with a similar size or industry?

What was his problem really?

Offer (O)

It's no use carrying out all this framework if you're not going to offer anything, right?

The SP3O offering is the big icing on the cake.

But be careful not to fall into a salesman's sameness. Are you interested? Sign up here, among others.

If you did the other steps very well, your personalization within the email will be much more interesting.


We're talking about an email framework for active prospecting in the automotive industry, we've broken down this method and given an example of how you can use each letter (and number) of the SP30.

I hope you can make the ramifications of this technique into your cold mail strategy. After all, as I said above, you are the expert in your solution and its value delivery.



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