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It is imperative to keep your house clean since it is the environment in which your family flourishes. A bathroom is a location that requires extra attention since it gets filthy quickly.

Throughout the day, your bathroom receives a lot of traffic. It is a wet & humid area in your home. And moisture is a haven for mould and fungus. Aside from that, the floor tiles and wall tiles in your bathroom contain hazardous germs and grime. In addition, dirt on the tile might distract from the bathroom's overall appearance. The grout between the tiles is another area that collects a lot of dirt and grime. To keep your bathroom tiles clean, germ-free, and looking their best, you should clean them on a regular basis. It is especially crucial if you have children or elderly relatives at home.

As we clean ourselves, we often pay little attention to how we are polluting our environment. Water stains, dirt, mould, mildew, and soap scum are common in bathrooms. Old and filthy tiles are one of the few things that may make a bathroom appear unclean. It's not simply the act of cleaning that makes a big effect; it's also what we use to clean our houses. Unfortunately, cleaning products can often contain so many chemicals that they end up causing more harm than good to you and your family. That is why, even while cleaning, it is preferable to use natural products.

Here in this post, we'll see how to clean bathroom floor tiles and wall tiles using products that you can find lying around your home, which are not harmful to you or your family.

How to Clean Bathroom Tile Stains-

Cleaning the tiles might be challenging at times, especially because getting between the tiles can be tricky. Using chemicals to clean is simple since the filth and grime seem to melt away, but it is also a no-no, especially if there are small children or pets in the house. It is not only harmful to children, but it may also be harmful to adults who inhale the fumes from cleaning chemicals. Here are some natural ways to clean bathroom tiles if you are seeking alternatives and more natural ways to clean:


Vinegar is an excellent cleanser because one side of the molecule is hydrophobic, which means it despises water, while the other is hydrophilic, which means it attracts water. When you spray it on grease or dirt, the water-hating side binds to the grease, going beneath it to remove it off the surface of whatever you're cleaning. Here's how to clean bathroom tiles using vinegar:

What you need:

– White Vinegar

– Water

– Spray Bottle

– Sponge

– Rag

What to do:

– In the spray bottle, combine equal parts of water and vinegar.

– Spray the mixture on the targeted area and then wait for a few minutes.

– Scrub clean with the sponge.

– Now clean the bathroom tiles with a clean rag.

Lemon Juice:

Lemon juice is well-known in the beauty industry for its ability to cure dark spots on the skin. Similarly, it is an excellent natural stain remover and may be used on a regular basis to clean the bathroom wall tiles and floor tiles. Lemon juice is slightly acidic and hence an excellent tile cleaner. Here's how to clean bathroom tile stains with lemon juice:

What you need: 

– Lemon Juice

– Baking Soda

– Sponge

– A Clean Rag

What to do:

– Sprinkle some baking soda on the affected area and then squeeze some lemon juice on it.

– Scrub the surface with the sponge.

– Now clean the area properly with the clean rag.

Baking Soda: 

Excellent for everyday light cleaning and eliminating small amounts of product residue as well as dust. For some heavy-duty tile cleaning, baking soda can be used with vinegar or lemon juice. Here's how to clean bathroom tiles: home remedies:

What you need:

– Baking Soda

– Vinegar

– Sponge

– A Clean Rag

What to do:

– Take an equal amount of baking soda and vinegar and make a thick mixture with it.

– Now clean the affected area with this mixture using a sponge.

– When done, wipe down the area with a rag.

Hydrogen Peroxide:

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent whitening agent and is frequently used to sanitise cuts. It is a bit heavier and should only be used if all of your other natural cleaning options have failed. Here's how to clean bathroom tiles with hydrogen peroxide:

What you need:

– Hydrogen Peroxide

– Liquid Dish Soap

– Baking Powder

– Sponge

What to do:

– Take 1/2 cup baking soda, one teaspoon liquid dish soap, and 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide.

– Fill a spray bottle with the mixture. Spray the mixture on the bathroom tiles that need to be cleaned.

– Wait 10 minutes before wiping off the tiles with a wet sponge or rag.

Steam Cleaning:

A steam cleaner is a piece of cleaning equipment that uses steam to clean tile floors and other flat surfaces. In general, steam cleaners operate in the same manner as vacuum cleaners – simply turn the unit on and push it along the surface of your bathroom tile. This is an excellent method for cleaning bathroom tiles with heat and pressure. It's also a wonderful technique to clean for those who are allergic to moulds and chemicals. Here's how you can clean bathroom tiles with a steam cleaner machine-

What you need:

– Steam Cleaner Machine

– Brush

– Microfibre Cloth

What to do:

– Insert a small brush into the steaming lance.

– Make a line of steam into the grout.

– Scrub lightly with the brush as you go.

– Dirt comes off with little effort.

– Wipe it with a microfiber towel to clean it.

How to Clean Grout Lines in the Tiles-

Discoloured grout may make your tiles appear dirtier than they are, and the porous nature of most grouting makes it prone to hazardous bacteria and mould development. The best approach to cleaning filthy grout is to use an old toothbrush and your preferred cleaning solution. We swear by the baking soda and vinegar combo for efficiently cleaning up grout lines.

What you need:

– Baking Soda

– Vinegar

– Old Toothbrush

– Clean Water

What to do:

– Take equal parts of baking soda and vinegar.

– Spread this mixture along the grout lines.

– Using the toothbrush, scrub thoroughly.

– Allow the solution to work its magic for a few minutes.

– Rinse everything with clean water.

– Repeat as necessary.

Natural cleaning products may be utilised in a variety of ways, and the ingredients mentioned above can be used in a variety of cleaning formulations. When it comes to cleaning supplies, these are some of the absolute requirements. If you need extra soapy action in your cleaning goods, add more liquid soap, but for the most part, stick to these easy, clean, and eco-friendly cleaning methods.

Bathroom tile replacement is an expensive solution. With a little work, you can keep your bathroom tiles gleaming and lustrous for much longer. Divide the work into smaller chores and stretch it out across a week. Furthermore, filthy tiles might promote the spread of disease-causing bacteria. So, at least twice a week, use a light disinfectant to clean your bathroom tiles.

And, if your tiles are beyond saving, it might be time to invest in some new bathroom tiles. If you are planning on replacing your old bathroom tiles, be sure to look into AGL, they have an excellent selection.


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