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Your positive attitude will help you achieve academic excellence. You should remain positive and avoid anyone with a negative attitude since it can be contagious. What if you want someone to show my homework and he or she becomes disrespectful. How will you handle that? Of course, you cannot allow anyone to spoil your moods. Below are various factors to consider.

Do Nothing

You can go ahead with your homework as if nothing happened. Any attempt to approach that student to talk things out may not yield any fruit at that moment. Do not try involving others either. After some time, when the student is cool, you can attempt to have a meaningful conversation.

Move On

Fighting is not an option. If you continue standing there, your temper may arise and cause a fight. The best option is to ignore the student and continue with your work. Concentrate on your case study without minding what he/she is saying. He will have no option but to cool and sit.

Be a Role Model

In your studybe positive in everythingYour positive attitude will yield great results. Once your classmate sees that, he will want to imitate you, aiming to get a positive result. Be patient with him and avoid much interaction.

Don’t Take It Personally

Have you imagined that this student could be suffering silently without you knowing? Maybe the only way of expressing his frustrations is by being disrespectful to others. Do not take it personally since it will hurt you, especially because the student will remain the same. Look for ways to help him address his frustrations and overcome them.

Pause Then End It

At that moment, you can keep quiet and look him straight in the eyes for a while. Since you do not want to escalate the situation further, break eye contact, and continue with your business. That student will come along with time. He will feel remorseful and might even come to apologize.


If the disrespect is too much, you can consider informing the administration. They have their way of dealing with such cases. Avoid rushing to take any action since it may cost you severely.


Trying to get even with the rude student will only worsen the matter. If you move on, do nothing, avoid taking it personally, pause, and end it. That may make that student remorseful. He is likely to change his behaviors for good.


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