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Hair transplant is a minimally invasive surgical procedure which includes the restoration of the hair grafts by transferring them from the donor areas to the bald area. The donor areas are selectively those areas of your body which possess permanent hair roots. The hair roots are carefully harvested without damaging them and then transplanted successfully taking care of the hairline designing.

Hair transplant in Delhi has gained huge popularity as the permanent and natural looking outcomes are what everyone desires of. Jaipur has been jeweled with the best hair transplant surgeons who have worldwide recognition and Dr Suneet Soni is one among them who is enlisted at the top. He is one of the most experienced and expert hair transplant surgeon who have performed more than 5000 hair transplants.

Hair transplant cost in Delhi has become very affordable which lures the people from all across the globe to visit the city for hair transplant tourism. It is not only the affordable cost for which the hair loss sufferers from all around the globe visit the city for hair transplant tourism but also the expertise of the surgeons and incredible outcomes which attracts the huge patient footfall to the city.

Physical recovery followed by hair transplant:

The hair transplant procedures are minimally invasive which do not cause any sort of morbidity after the procedure and you can walk the clinic after getting discharged. The physical recovery is quite fast after the procedure which takes up to 7 – 10 days. While recovering there are certain precautions which need to be taken for avoiding any sort of complications. There are certain mild after effects associated with the procedure which include swelling on forehead, mild itching, mild pain and scalp pimples which do not need much interventions to manage and are short lived.

What happens after hair transplant?

After hair transplant there is a set of instructions which you need to strictly follow in order to increase the survival rate of the hair grafts that in turn would result in maximum possible hair density and natural looking outcomes.

Most of the patients misinterpret the procedure to provide immediate results followed by hair transplant which is not true. There is no way out to provide immediate results following hair transplant as the individual transplanted hair follicle undergo phases of rest and growth that occurs exactly in a similar manner as your existing hairs.

Thus, you can definitely not expect immediate results following hair transplant. After few days of hair transplant, the newly planted hairs undergo shedding and all the hairs are lost which is absolutely normal. Within 3 months you would see some visible spurts of hair growth which might or might not be similar for everyone as it gets delayed for some so don’t worry and be patient.

After 6 months you would be able to see a fair amount of hair growth which is definitely exciting. It might sparse initially but will evenly distribute in no time. The complete hair growth is seen after a year followed by hair transplant when you can judge the outcomes to be successful or failure based of the appearance.

How you can speed up your hair growth after hair transplant?

There are few ways by which you can expect a faster hair growth after the hair transplant which include:

  • Take proper healthy diet: Healthy diet is crucially required after any surgical procedure for faster recovery and healing. Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Zinc and Iron is required for faster hair growth which could be incorporated in your diet in recommended dosage.
  • Massage your scalp regularly: Massaging is known to increase the blood circulation which enhances the healing and growth definitely. Thus, it is advised to massage the transplanted area regularly with the advice of the hair transplant surgeon once the physical recovery is over.
  • PRP therapy: PRP therapy is indicated after hair transplant for faster hair growth and enhancing the healing followed by the hair transplant. In PRP therapy the concentrated platelets are injected drawn from your own blood to the desired area as platelets are rich in growth factors which are released in the surroundings enhancing the hair growth and healing.


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