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This your brain, this is your brain on smart phone?   Vitobrain Review    Remember those commercials? It appears that smart phone use is making everybody's brain distracted and inattentive, a brain that looks like the fried egg in those commercials, at least this is the conclusion of several reports that I have heard or read lately.

The authors of these reports may have a point. I have been watching people over the last year that cannot seem to put down their smart phone or iPhone and I have been thinking that, for the entire world, these people appeared to have Inattentive ADHD (ADHD-PI). They rarely hear what was happening in conversation. They are hyper focused on their smart phone and they do not ever seem to give anything their undivided attention. Those are all traits seen in people with Inattentive ADHD, right? But these people do not have ADHD-PI so what is going on.B Some of these same people continue to email and text on their phone in their cars even when the states that they lived in have passed laws banning this cell phone activity. They can not stop multitasking which is an ADHD gift, when it is not dangerous as it is in the case of cell phone use and driving.

It seems to me that the cell phone has brought out the Inattentive ADHD in all of us even those of us without ADHD-PI. The cell phone, according to computer experts, will soon put a computer in every hand and will give readily available information to everyone on the planet eventually.Today, people with Inattentive ADHD, and everyone else for that matter, need not worry about forgetting the first line of Edgar Allen Poe's, The Raven; they can look it up on their iphone. Forget the formula for calculating area?? No problem, check your Blackberry. Forget what your wife wanted for your anniversary? No worries check your email. Apparently, we should be worried.



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