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Indoor cultivation, compared to outdoor cultivation, has numerous advantages:

  • It Can Be Carried Out at Any Time of The Year;
  • It Is Safe from Prying Eyes;
  • Has Short Growth Times, With Abundant Harvests.

At the same time, however, it presents a series of difficulties and presupposes several necessary steps to succeed in the best possible way. The first major difficulty is to create a suitable environment. This assumes that you pay close attention to lighting, aeration and the choice of the most suitable substrate and fertilizers.

Lighting is particularly important in indoor cultivation and requires the purchase and use of hps, led or cfl lamps. The former also need reflectors to illuminate the entire cultivation space with artificial light; the cannabis lamps LEDs, on the other hand, do not need this reinforcing element, but are more expensive.

In general, during the vegetative phase, the seedlings of #trueterpenes cannabis they need 18 hours of light a day, compared to 6 hours of darkness. In the later stages, 12 hours of light per day will be sufficient.

It is also necessary to provide an aeration system, install timers and control the humidity levels artificially. Even the choice of most suitable growing medium it can vary considerably and be, especially in some cases, very expensive.

In general, the operating costs of the indoor cultivation they are quite high and maintenance is much more consistent. Not to mention that the energy expenditure, and therefore the environmental impact, is decidedly substantial. Furthermore, the need to purchase equipment and fertilizers causes production costs to rise considerably.

On the other hand, however, this type of cultivation totally emancipates the dependence on environmental conditions, since it presupposes the creation of an ideal artificial environment ad hoc. Furthermore, this type of cultivation allows the most abundant harvests by far.


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