Is It Worth Getting a Personal Injury Lawyer?

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Getting into an accident is one of the most unfortunate experiences that people go through. This is especially true if you are involved in a car accident because even though it may have been someone else's fault, you can get hurt or suffer any losses. That's why it is crucial to know how your situation should be handled so that if you are injured, your injuries are documented properly and there are no complications later on.

Call the New York City personal injury lawyer of Lipsig, Shapey, Manus & Moverman, P.C. at 917-268-2082. Our NYC lawyers will fight for you. Our personal injury attorneys will help you calculate the true value of your case to help with insurance negotiations and case preparation.

One of the best ways for you to protect yourself after getting into an auto accident is to hire a personal injury lawyer who will advocate on your behalf. The following 10 crucial things should help explain what kind of value investing in a competent personal injury attorney will have for your case:

1) Helps determine liability  

When you have been in an accident, the last thing on your mind is figuring out who is at fault. But this is actually very important because it determines what kind of negligence occurred and what consequences should be assigned to them. An experienced personal injury attorney will help you identify all parties responsible and ensure that their actions and consequences are duly assessed and documented.

2) Gives advice about shifting blame

People make mistakes when they get into accidents. One mistake that many people commit is trying to shift the blame onto other parties, such as pedestrians or other drivers who were involved in the accident with them. This may reduce the amount of compensation you receive from your insurer but it can be taken against you later on if any complications arise during your legal case. A personal injury lawyer will make sure you receive a fair settlement from your insurance company.

3) Helps establish the right amount of financial compensation

It is possible that when you get into an accident, it leads to injuries and thus losses. In such cases, the most important thing is for these damages to be compensated appropriately. This can be done by presenting all supporting documents and getting them assessed by a qualified professional who can provide you with a figure based on how much medical care and treatment was required and what kind of loss occurred because of this accident. It will also include any lost wages or productivity or other related factors so that you don't under-represent your case. A lawyer knows how to work with medical professionals and help come up with a fair amount of compensation.

4) Helps with establishing the right evidence and documentation for insurance processes

When you make a claim with your insurer, they will ask for documentation and proof to support certain claims that you make so that your expenses are compensated appropriately. A lawyer knows what kind of documents are needed, how to work effectively with medical professionals, mechanics or other related service providers so this documentation is done quickly but also accurately. This prevents any unnecessary delays in getting you paid for all damages incurred because of an accident caused by someone else's negligence.

5) Ensures your medical records are up-to-date

Some people don't have their own medical records or keep them up-to-date, leaving them unable to provide proper evidence when an accident occurs. This can be a big problem since medical records are the single most important factor in getting a settlement from your insurer. Obtaining these records is not easy for people who do not have connections to the medical community, so it's important to get them updated and reviewed by professionals before you attempt to file any claims because of an accident.

6) Helps get documents organized and collated

When there are different individuals involved in your accident or injury, they will ask for varying types of documentation that needs to be supplied to them. This includes stuff like police reports, witness statements, hospital bills and other related documents that need proper filing and organization so they can be presented effectively during legal proceedings. It may seem unimportant but having these documents organized and filed ensures that your lawyer can quickly retrieve them when needed.

7) Helps get the ball rolling on a legal case

Once you have everything documented, a personal injury lawyer NYC will be able to start processing necessary paperwork and getting things done to file a lawsuit against those responsible for your accident. This is very important because it provides formal notice that somebody has been injured or that somebody's negligence caused harm to another individual which needs to be compensated appropriately based on the law.

8) Conducts negotiations with insurance companies

In most cases, insurance companies are interested in making this process as smooth as possible so they offer out-of-court settlements instead of going through lengthy court processes. However, sometimes these negotiations fail and you need to file a lawsuit against their insured to get what you deserve. A lawyer is skilled and experienced enough to know the best way of negotiating with insurers so that you're able to get sufficient damages or compensation for your accident.


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