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Korean sex doll photographer June Korea explores life with adult dolls

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韩国性玩偶摄影师 June Korea 与成人玩偶一起探索生活




六月 韩国在韩国获得工业工程学士学位。2009年移居美国后,在加州艺术中心设计学院获得摄影与电影学士学位,并在纽约视觉艺术学院拓展相关研究领域,获得摄影、视频硕士学位及相关媒体。



琼从 2001 年开始拍摄娃娃,就像他小时候一样,观察他们的秘密生活。几年来,他一直在使用它们进入摄影作品。之后,他开始问自己,“我为什么要给娃娃拍照?”



After deciding to create this work, June studied many small sex dolls and wanted to find the one that looked the most human. Later, he received a huge box, and when he was about to open the box, his hands trembled slightly.

The name “Eva” is a combination of the words “Forever” and “Eve”-according to the creation myth of the Abrahamic religion, Eve was the first woman. Eva and June form an incredible relationship. They sleep together, wake up together, shop together, eat together, drive together, and even travel together. Just like ordinary people, they will laugh and cry together, and feel happy and lonely.

What is their relationship? What does Eva mean to June?

June’s purpose is not to show real-life relationships: he is a creator, and this is a fantasy they built together. In the real world of life, Eva has no real life. He is waiting for Google to implant AlphaGo into the doll's body. So an imaginary world was created through photography. In a sense, June gave birth to Eva.

Eva and June are metaphors: metaphors of their emotions and their relationship with humans, cats, dogs, AI, and ordinary people living in this lonely world.

So what is the ultimate goal of June?

June believes that it will be to implant artificial intelligence into human but non-human bodies, then big booty sex doll may be the choice. The development of technology is beyond our expectations, it may happen in 10 years, or it will take us 5 years to see some progress. He firmly believes that art must prepare for new generations and new types of relationships, and deal with new themes related to our emotions, morals, and lives.

What inspired his creation, did he try to imitate other photographers?

For June, the main influence is not a tangible reference or influence, but the emotions experienced in daily life, interpersonal relationships or the environment. He is transforming these intangible influences into his own visual elements, metaphors and narratives. His work is a sponge that absorbs self-feeling, and a mirror that reflects oneself.

What role do dolls play in modern society? What are their disadvantages?

Since he started creating, he has been studying the TPE sex doll industry and the people who live with dolls. The worldwide market and population are constantly growing. What's interesting is that people buy dolls not only for sex, but also for their true partnership. This gives dolls a new identity and makes people feel comfortable and comforting.




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