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As a massage therapist, I have seen my share of clients with shoulder pain and injuries. This article will discuss the causes of shoulder pain, which will help your massage treatment, as well as simple exercises that you can do yourself.

Shoulder pain can be caused by a variety of things, such as sports injuries, repetitive strain, traffic accidents, and in some cases the cause is unknown. Sometimes the pain may occur suddenly, and in others – gradually. Although the pain came on suddenly, in most cases the problem may have started some time ago.

Massage treatment will vary slightly depending on how the pain started, so be sure to try to explain to your RMT exactly how you feel in your shoulder, how long it has been, and how it has been. begin. This will help your massage therapist determine not only which structures may be injured, but also the root cause of shoulder pain, which in most cases is poor shoulder posture. Dubai Massage Spa,

Off the shoulder, the key to all injuries

Lying on a desk, working in front of a computer, and watching the monitor for 8 hours a day, most people spend their weekdays. It's 40 hours of sitting with your shoulders and head tilted forward, and your arm outstretched to the mouse so you can make thousands of daily clicks. Crazy! Not surprisingly, so many customers suffer from shoulder injuries and pain.

Remember how your mom told you, if you make that funny face again, you can get stuck like that? Well, she could be wrong with her face, but if you repeatedly put your body in a certain position, it will remain so. The muscles will adaptively contract or lengthen, and the fascia, the connective tissue around the muscles and body (I think the locust wrap) will tighten around the new modified posture, making sure you stay back.

In the case of sagging shoulders, the large and secondary thorax (chest muscles) become very stiff and short. This pulls your shoulders forward and up, which also makes your shoulders and neck very tense. In contrast, the muscles in your upper back and around your shoulders become very weak and overloaded, so even if you want to stand up straight, your muscles are no longer strong enough to deal with too tight a chest.

In this sagging position, the ligaments and the shoulder capsule are free and no longer stabilize the shoulder joint properly. This will result in a shoulder injury as it is no longer as stable. In addition, the muscles that run through the shoulder joint will work overtime because they want to try to stabilize the shoulder again. This will lead to chronic tension and pain in the shoulder muscles.

This position not only causes muscle contraction and loose ligaments but also alters the normal movement between the bones in the joint, we call it altered joint biomechanics. These altered biomechanics will cause the bone in the arm (the humerus) to crush the tendons that attach around the shoulder. Therefore, with each movement, the tendon arms are squeezed. SO!! Over time, these tendons become severely irritated and inflamed, leading to tendinitis or, worse, tendon rupture.


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