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Fungal nail infections are ugly and embarrassing.    End Of Gout Review    They are common and easy to catch, but very hard to get rid of.Unfortunately most people ignore them considering fungal nails a cosmetic nuisance. Fungus could be a minor bother for a while, but if left untreated, the infection will get worse: nails may grow so thick, you will feel discomfort wearing closed toe shoes, nails may separate from toes (onycholysis), the matrix can get permanently damaged (onychodystrophy)… Long story short, onychomycosis is a serious disease, which requires medical attention and a comprehensive treatment.

Nail fungus (Onychomycosis) is the most common nail disease, and over 30 million in the U.S. alone suffer from this condition. About 50% of the population over 45 years of age has nail infections. Some have battled fungi for decades. Treatment of Onychomycosis is challenging because the infection resides in the hard-to-reach area under the nail, called the nail bed.

Topical anti-fungal solutions cannot get there. Oral medications cannot target this specific area and may be toxic and hard on the liver. New laser-assisted therapies are being developed and a growing number of foot doctors in the U.S. report excellent clinical results. To maximize the efficacy, laser treatments should be combined with a complete and comprehensive program.



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