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I have already predicted the marketing trends. But I have relatively observed that these days offline marketing activities are combined with online marketing activities today. Offline marketers are trying to get the most out of their online strategies as well. According to blogs and websites and also based on my current knowledge, online marketing trends are predictable for this year.

1- Segmentation becomes the most important online strategy to offer a personalized communication to the customer. Similarly, in offline marketing, customer segmentation and sending relevant marketing messages will be the key task for online marketers. Using the behavioral data that online marketers need to identify profitable and meaningful segments to convey the message that best suits them. This year, online marketers will spend three-quarters of their time on this and build the most meaningful online marketing activity.

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As part of the segmentation strategy, it is predicted that email marketing will be the primary outcome of the segmentation. Businesses that operate exclusively online continue to invest more in email marketing and through effective segmentation offer highly appropriate and personalized communication to customers. The only threat is, with the current economic problems, how customers will respond to email marketing from companies. To do this, it is necessary to obtain the opinion of customers on the frequency of emails.

2- Search marketing will continue to evolve and strengthen in the behavior of online customers. The phase of consumer information search is closely associated with search marketing. In addition to search engines, other social sites such as YouTube, Twitter, will also become more influential. This automatically drives the search engine optimization effort, but it is also projected, as customers seeking more relevant search engine results may also change their logarithms and strategies this year. We have to wait and see for this.

3- Tracking is likely to be the online soldier to defend your strategies and tactics. Online tracking of purchasing behavior, search engine behaviors will also play an important role in an organization's activities. The use of Google analytics site crawling is the other key to measuring success.

4- Social media is always emerging as an important business strategy. Online buzz is the main source of reputation for companies operating online and offline. Negative online word of mouth will drop more than 40% of sales and spread more negative buzz about the company. Effective management of social media will also be an important strategy for companies .

5- The development of holistic digital portfolios will be the next trend . Previous companies randomly made their digital marketing activities without uniqueness. But the important fact is that it is mandatory to combine everything as a strategy and build uniqueness between them. It can be the website, the Facebook page, the blog, Twitter, etc.

6- Bing's consideration predicts that it will grow. Usually online companies formulate their strategy taking into account Google. Now, Bing's innovative breakthrough encourages online marketers to think about it in their online marketing mix. The battle between Google and Bing is the important factor for online marketers to consider.

7- The mobile web market is the new issue that companies must consider. Now with the rapid increase in cell phone penetration worldwide, customers want to keep their cell phones as their shopping portfolio. Now is the time for online marketers to make use of the mobile strategy and integrate with web applications.

8- Online customers think more about savings when they make a purchase. As part of the online strategy, marketers need to convey messages about online coupons and the concept of savings. From now on online customers are price sensitive and always looking for better deals to buy online.

9- Real-time Google search will be the other new area of study for online sellers. The concept behind this is to get relevant and fresh results for searches.

10- Less records for websites. Due to the increased number of players in the competitive online marketplace, people find it difficult to remember their password and other information. So Facebook Connect and Open ID are becoming popular where people register or signup for sites with one username and password


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