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I put it on my cotton pad and I gently uh wipe my face with it pumice stone as you guys might know if you've been following my channel for a while now i'm really really passionate about my skin i really like to take care of my skin i used to use makeup wipes but i never do so anymore because well i have i hardly ever do so anymore because i realized it's it's a bit too harsh on my skin so as you can see here i have all this pumice stone i like to go in with a second pad and um try some more product and continue to to wipe my face with it i see the noise in the background just in case it's coming in the audio i can't really help what's going on inside as you can see even with the first wipe i still have a ton of makeup on my face i don't know if you've noticed but um i tried to stay away from my eyes that's.

Natural Lava Pumice Sone

Because i use and i make up remover to take off the makeup on my eye because my eyes are so sensitive so i like to use something more gentle to to clean up that area pumice stone i use the Estee lauder uh gentle eye cleanser eye makeup remover rather and uh i apply quite a bit on this pad and i like to soak my eye with it so it stings a bit but i like to like leave my eye leave the patch on my eye to soak up all the makeup before i swipe up everything [Music] i like to be very gentle with my eye because I've already got time for premature wrinkles also for you guys out there going heavy on your eyes please don't there we go face and eye makeup removed next step is to wash my face using the raw beauty detox face and body soap and this pumice stone care yoor foot skin soap comes.

AMAZING ways to use a Pumice Stone

In that different range like different variety of functions that is i think they have Brighton in one they have detox but this particular one is formulated for acne-prone skin i use it twice in the morning and in the evening and what I like about this soup is it's very very gentle on the skin it gives a very soft feeling on the skin after you don't wash it like i said this product is formulated for acne-prone skin it helps to clog the pores pulling out all the dirt the toxins and the pollution in the air and you know how it living in Nigeria we have a lot of pollution in the air and i'm really glad this product helps with that so yeah i like to really go in gently massaging in my skin in a circular motion, yeah i can still see me  so um now that the face is clean as you can see I like to use a pistol just part my face it feels a lot more fresh and a lot more clean do I have one new tenant here another


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