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Fear is the biggest mental roadblock that stops you The Light Code Review  from achieving success. It's simple – you have two choices. You can give into the negativity, skepticism and other's fears, or you can choose to ignore the dream stompers. Fear can be so overwhelming it can paralyze you. Remember to start small – there is always a way to get around fearful thoughts. Take low-risk steps and build up to bigger risks.

It's normal for people to want to feel accepted by others. No one wants to rock the boat. When you think outside the box and take a different path, it can be scary. The play it safe attitude has been pounded into your brain since birth. If Gates had played it safe, would he be a huge success. Probably not. Taking a huge leap into the unknown may be the best way to jumpstart your path to success.

Are you a procrastinator. Do you keep telling yourself that you must get organized but don't take the steps to actually do it. You trudge along and lose yourself in busy schedules and family commitments. Months pass and your goals and objectives have fallen to the wayside. Does this sound familiar.

When you meet successful people, do you ask yourself. why is this person more successful than me. Why can't I make that kind of money. Why me. A motivational speaker can show you how poor me thinking won't get you far in today's world.



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