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If we had been told a couple of months ago that we were going to have to spend so much time at home for a quarantine, we would have thought it was a joke. But the truth is that we are living it, so day after day we must look for tasks for our long free time at home. If you are one of the lucky ones who has a garden at home, gardening can be one of the best activities, and if you do it as a family it is even better.

The truth is that it is not necessary to have a large area of land to have a garden, just a balcony or to accommodate a corner of the house with good lighting. The rest is to use your imagination and get to work, because nothing better than a house with a lot of green.

                               SOME TASKS YOU CAN DO IN YOUR GARDEN


If there's one thing you should never stop doing in your garden, it's watering. Try to take advantage of these days of quarantine to give irrigation the importance it deserves, watering is not just throwing water.

To water properly, you need to make sure to maintain even moisture, watering every time the top soil dries.

The ideal time to water is in the early morning or at dusk. On the other hand, always try not to wet the foliage, as this can help fungal growth.

If you have many types of plants in the garden, not all of them need the same amount of water, find out what each plant needs and water with that in mind. Always avoid making a puddle of water in the soil, as it can end up drowning the roots.

This is an activity that can even be fun if you do it as a family, you can end up a little wet, but it's worth it. ?


Like irrigation, pruning is a very important task. And very often we forget to do it or we don't do it directly. Take advantage of these days to catch up on pruning your plants and do it correctly.

Remember that a well done pruning gives vigor to the plant, improving its flowering and / or fruiting. But otherwise, with poor pruning, you can kill the plant.

Just as each plant needs a different amount of water, it also needs a different pruning. I recommend that you visit this website, howandwhentoprune.com, you will surely find the plant you need to prune. ?


Who likes weed gardens, I think we will accept that no one.

You are in an excellent moment to eliminate each and every one of those herbs that have bothered you so much, and that for one reason or another you have not eliminated.

Always try to cut the weeds before they produce seeds, this assures you that the following year their proliferation will not be greater.


We talk about irrigation and pruning, two activities that change a lot from one plant to another, the same happens with fertilization.

Find information on the type of fertilizer, the amounts and the appropriate season for each plant. Also, you can use some of your time to start producing compost, the organic waste you produce at home is an excellent fertilizer.

I remember that when I was a child at school they gave me an activity, I believe in biology, to make compost at home. In case of having children at home, it can be a very good idea.


The garden is not only a good place for plants, there are other ways to take advantage of that land. You can put some furniture, such as benches or tables, perhaps a Paraguayan hammock, why not?

You can also place facilities to give better lighting to the garden or some irrigation system.


I know many people who love to do tasks like mowing or mowing plants, but they hate collecting the garbage they produce. Now you have the time to complete the tasks, do it.


I do not doubt that in the century that we are already, most people know that gardening is an activity that can be very beneficial. And if we add to this that with this quarantine we must be in houses a lot, gardening can become the main protagonist.

Let's review some of the most important benefits of doing this.

– Reduces stress and anxiety: surrounding yourself with plants, turning our environment greener is very beneficial in lowering levels of anxiety and mental fatigue.

– It lowers the risk of heart disease and diabetes: it is verified by several scientific studies that thanks to practices such as gardening, the possibility of contracting this type of disease is reduced.

 – It helps improve the quality of sleep: doing tasks such as gardening reduces levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, that is how at night your brain is more relaxed, causing you to sleep better.

– Burns calories and strengthens muscles: in these days of quarantine we see how everyone exercises at home, but not everyone likes to be locked up exercising. If you have a garden, it gives you the possibility to burn calories by gardening. In addition, with repetitive movements such as digging, cutting, your muscles gain strength and elasticity.

 – The feeling of well-being increases: with each passing day, more people fall into deep depression due to this pandemic, take advantage of your garden and try not to be next. Direct contact with the soil and plants have a positive impact on mood. It also brings you new things to think about by taking the COVID-19 off your mind for a while.

 – Improves the immune system: If there is something we need today is to improve or at least maintain our immune system well, this will help us decrease the chances of contracting any disease, or in case of contracting it, it becomes milder. Good doses of sunlight outdoors brings lots of vitamin D, which greatly helps our immune system.

–  It allows you to disconnect: we are not the few who have to do work from home, this involves many hours in front of our computers. Performing repetitive tasks in our garden has a relaxing effect on our brain. Something that works as a perfect disconnect.

– Good teaching place: the garden is a perfect place where children can learn basic things that many schools do not teach them. It allows them to learn where food comes from, how they can eat healthy, at the same time the importance of taking care of our environment.

With this we are finished with this article, I hope that if you have a garden you will get to work on it. And in case you do not have a garden, take advantage and build one, remember that you can have it on your balcony. ?


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