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Several years ago, I received a very clear message from my Thought Manifestation Review    boss that my work in New England was almost over and it was my time to move on. I was needed in others areas doing my work. I was to sell just about everything.

That message from God was clear: If it didn't fit in my car, get rid of it. (I was allowed to store a few things). I was going to need a laptop computer, a portable printer, and something small to play my music on. I did not question if I should take this new “assignment.” I realized that it was my choice: Accept the message, or pay the consequences of staying where I was no longer supposed to be.

Many people thought that I was brave to go on the road with no guarantees. I was leaving a nice house on the water and a thriving business. “No,” I told them, “it was definitely the coward's way out.” The brave (and stupid) thing would have been to stay there and see how many things could go wrong.



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